Thursday, August 30, 2007
Living The Lessons
My journey to wellness has been a long one...

I have learned so much, like how to care for my physical body by eating right and exercising; to nurture my spirit through meditation and prayer; and to strengthen my mind by staying active and challenging myself with new skills. But the difficult part has been incorporating all of this knowledge into my life. It isn't always easy to find, prepare and even afford the food you know you should eat. Sometimes my energy level is low and I struggle to find the motivation to get out for that walk I know I need. And for some reason sitting quietly and clearing thoughts from my mind to meditate is harder than I ever imagined.

Most difficult of all is keeping the faith and staying connected to spirit when life doesn't go as planned...another health challenge, worries about a loved one, an unexpected problem...

But I also know that all I do - all the extra effort I make, the things I force myself to do because I know I will benefit from them in the long run - has improved the quality of my life. So I continue to look within to find the inspiration and strength to continue to make that extra effort to love, support and nurture my body, mind and spirit. I know the sacrifices are worth it...I have come to realize that the toughest things we experience and do in life have the most lasting benefits and lessons.

Andrea :-)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can almost here the resonant "OHM" in your words, Andrea. I love that you work so hard to share all that you have learned in your journey with a world hungry for something different and more to the core of being human. Thanks for taking the time to bring that to so many, and I hope that your journey helps others to redirect their own in positive and wonderous ways.