Sunday, March 28, 2010
Positve or Pollyanna?
I want to set the record straight. Yes, I am a positive person. And no, I am not Pollyanna. Do I think things always turn out the way they are intended? Yes. Do I believe in the power of positive thinking? Yes. I am absolutely convinced that if you focus on what you want the likelihood of achieving it is far greater. Just as if you focus on what is wrong and what you don't want, the likelihood of continuing to manifest more of the same, is greater.
But being positve doesn't mean you view the world through rose-colored glasses. It means that even when times are tough, when things don't go as planned - and you are facing challenges both large and small...that it is all going to be ok. It's believing that all things happen for a reason, and if you keep putting one foot in front of the other, you will find your way. It means accepting that sometimes "it is what it is."
Most of all being a postive-focused person is about faith. Faith in yourself...and faith in a higher power. It is knowing that growth does not come from sunshine and roses...that's the place where we discover pleasure. We grow, evolve, and learn when we have to dig deep. When we have to figure things out. And being positive means that you keep your eye on the end goal, even when it is hard to see or believe - especially when it is hard to see and believe!

I've been facing some of those challenges myself lately. A venture I undertook that felt so divinely inspired at the time, has not turned out exactly how I envisioned it. Am I a little disappointed? Sure. But I am not only a positive person, but a realist as well. I face my disappoints the same way I face all of the goodness in life. I give thanks for it - for all of it. I do not judge life by the number of challenges I face...but rather but the face I put to each challenge. I know that the possibilities before me are limited only by my ability to imagine and believe in them. I accept all of life. I choose to have faith. To believe that as long as I listen to my heart that I will be guided to all I need to know, and all I need to do...and to live the life it is intended for me to live. ~ Andrea Chervenak
Saturday, March 20, 2010
From Winter to Spring...
After months of unusually cold, dreary weather, today is a magnificient day. Bright sunshine, warm dry air, and the beautiful colors of flowers in bloom. Somehow today I feel lighter, more peaceful, and more optimistic. Because like the weather, the last few months have been unusually challenging. But lately I notice a shift - the days seem brighter, relationships warmer, and opportunitites are in bloom.

Our lives really are a mirror of the "nature" of nature. Just as we experience "winter" in our lives, if we are patient eventually "spring" does arrive. The ability to recognize that nothing stays the same forever - the seasons change, the tides turn... brings with it a sense of peace and spirit of optimism.

There are seasons to all life...the shift from dark and dreary to beauty and sunshine. It happens in nature when the starkness of Winter becomes warm, colorful Spring. And it happens in our own lives as we move from darkness and difficulty to brighter, happier times. So just as we get through February because we know that better weather lies just ahead in March, we can take comfort during challening times knowing that the tide will always change, the seasons always shift, and all be well once again. ~ Andrea