Friday, November 20, 2009
I'm thankful for...
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It has little to do with turkey, and everything to do with the spirit of the season. I grew up with a father who didn't believe in self-pity, but did believe in being thankful for what you have - however much or little that might be. As a kid I never wanted for much, but whatever I had never seemed to be enough. Every time I would complain that I didn't have this or that, or some other perceived tragedy, my father would remind me "there is always someone who has it worse than you." His favorite story was about the man who was sitting in a bar complaining to the man next to him about a hole in his shoe, when he looked over and realized that man had no leg. No matter how many times dad shared this story, it was always a sobering reminder how much worse life could be.

Several years ago I lived through a very long and challenging period dealing with debilitating symptoms from a chronic illness that left me struggling to find much to be grateful for. But on the darkest of those days I would hear my father's words, "there is always someone who has it worse than you..." and I would be reminded that as hard as my life was, there was someone who was dealing with something much worse.

As I moved through that long, difficult time my sense of gratefulness increased. Actually I believe that having a strong sense of gratitude helped me to survive and come through the experience stronger, wiser...and more grateful. There is so much I am thankful for today. I still stuggle with my health from time to time, and I have heartaches and disappointments like everyone else. But I have learned that if I can focus on the blessings, if I can find something to be grateful for no matter what circumstances, I move through the experience more quickly and easily.

I give thanks for all of the blessings in my life. I give thanks for being guided to all of the answers and cures I need to be healthy. I give thanks for my happy, healthy, loving family and friends. I give thanks for the people who love and support me. I give thanks for the inspiration, purpose and passion that fills my life. And I give thanks for the sense of gratitude that fills my spirit and enriches my life. I pray your life be blessed with many reasons to be thankful this holiday season. ~ Andrea :-)

Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Sign of the Times...
It's gotten to the point where I can't watch the news or read the paper...seems every day there is some new tragedy. This week is was the Fort Hood tragedy, then the shootings in Orlando. And the ongoing struggles: the health care debate, 10%+ unemployment, the wars...

There is a great deal of turmoil in the world today. It is troubling to know what the depths of desperation and hatred can do to people. It is heartbreaking to think that there are so many people, here and around the world, who will wake up this morning and not know where they will get their next meal. Or if they will have a roof over their head tomorrow. Or for those who live in place like Afghanistan and Iraq, who fear leaving their homes because they do not know when and where a bomb will explode, or what other kind of atrocities they will face.

There was a time when my thoughts would be focused on, "what is the world coming to" and "how are we ever going to be able to move past these times?" But here's what I've come to know: great change is almost always preceeded by great struggle and challenge. Whether it relates to personal growth, or matters of national or universal interest, change is not easy. I truly believe that we are moving through this difficult time to a much better, much more positive place. I think each and every one of us has learned lessons because of what has occurred and have come to appreciate life much more. And this is how positive energy grows...and spreads...and attracts more positive energy.

I know I discovered that I can do with less, especially "things." I have a greater appreciation for the blessings I do have. Time is more precious, so is the love of family and friends. I have been reminded how great a country we live in...a place where we can express our views, diagree, even get angry with one another...and someone find a way to work together. No doubt that times are tough right now. But I've personally come to know that beyond the darkness there is always hope... always opportunity...always a new beginning. ~ Andrea :-)