Wednesday, September 26, 2007
In An Instant...
Eight years ago I made a health decision that truly altered the course of my life. At the time I thought I was making a good choice, but it turned out that one decision led to a host of health problems that became completely and totally overwhelming. No sooner would I pick myself up, then something else would hit me like a ton of bricks. It got to the point where I developed the "what's next" mentality - always waiting for the next shoe to drop. Worst of all, I wasn't even aware I was doing this, and anxiety and fear became an accepted part of who I was.

As a fighter and optimist by nature I worked through every awful thing life threw my way, and eventually found myself in a much better place. But no matter how far from struggle I may have traveled, my body and mind remember. Regardless of the progress I make, the moment something happens to remind me of that difficult time or the uncomfortable symptoms I had, it all comes rushing back and I enter what I see now as "high alert"...anticipating the worst, waiting for everything to go wrong, to be back in that bad place again.

But I have learned much the last two years...I now have tools that help me to release the past, I work hard each and every day to refocus my thinking, and remind myself that although life can change in an instant, that doesn't have to mean something bad is going to happen. Life can change in an instant to blessings, good health, inner peace and love. I recognize the power of my thoughts and make the effort to use them to create goodness and draw positive things into my life. It isn't always easy, but is a choice - and I have chosen to find the peace, to look for the good, and to be the best me that I possibly can. ~Andrea
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Our Life Is Our Practice
You know the days - it's not anything major, well at least not most of the time - just annoyances, pettiness, a bit of struggle...the everyday challenges of life standing in the way of the peaceful and calm life you are trying to create. When you work so hard to live up to your best and full potential as a human being, and life continues to throw obstacles your way, you may wonder why you are constantly being tested. At least that is how I sometimes feel...and I must admit that I can become frustrated, even a bit defeated at times.

I was having "one of those days" recently and happened upon these five simple words that turned my entire day around: Our life is our practice. What a great explanation for all of the trials and tribulations of our lives! We are just a work-in-progress...constantly growing, developing and evolving from each and every experience...the good, the bad, even the most difficult of challenges. So when I was able to see that day's ups and downs as a part of my "training" and as a learning experience, it gave the day a whole new meaning. How much nicer to view the frustrations as lessons, and the annoyances as growth opportunities!

I once read a very wise elderly man was asked how he dealt with the difficult aspects of life and he replied, "I see it all as a test - and respond to it that way - never making it personal, but rather as challenges that need to be overcome".

So the next time life doesn't go exactly as I've planned I will view it as a test, as my practice, as a part of my spiritual and emotional growth...that sure seems a lot more productive than wallowing in "why me". ~Andrea :-)
Monday, September 10, 2007
A Delicate Balance...
Is it possible that we spend our lives searching for perfection - perfect health, everlasting youth, eternal love, and complete fulfillment - when the reality is there is no such thing? Perhaps life was created to be a balance - of good and evil, happy and sad, war and peace; yin and yang.
We must suffer pain to know the joy of being free of it...we have to endure struggle and hardship to appreciate times of peace and calm...we have to experience the rainy days in order to enjoy the beauty of sunny skies.

So as we encounter the struggles, the suffering, and the rainy days we need to remember that life is a delicate balance - that there is good to counter the bad, peace to replace the turmoil, and happy to relieve the sad. Darkness may pass through our lives...but it is always followed by beauty and light. ~Andrea :-)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Who Sails The Ship?

I absolutely believe in the power of thought – that what we think about and believe are what we attract into our lives. But why is it that no matter how you envision, redirect and believe positive things, there are times when life takes you in a direction you do not want or wish to go. I was discussing this with a friend recently and she made a comment that started me thinking, "…well what if what you want is not what was meant to be…"

I have struggled with "the secret" of positive thoughts – because sometimes no matter how hard I work at it, events will occur that cause me to think that maybe if I had done a better job of focusing on the positive that this would not have happened.

But maybe my friend is right – maybe there is such a thing as destiny. And maybe Dr. Dyer, Rhonda Byrne, and others who are proponents of positive beliefs are right, too…and we can influence what we draw into our lives.

Perhaps we do have the power to help direct the circumstances of our life…but that power does not enable us to supersede our destiny…therefore our thoughts may sail the ship, but the direction in which we sail is guided by a Higher Power.

Andrea J

Saturday, September 1, 2007
Wrinkles: Badges of Courage
I was in the Whole Body aisle of Whole Foods the other day when I started chatting with a woman who was looking for what she described as "a magic cream that will eliminate all of my wrinkles, at least until I can afford to have plastic surgery". I told her I thought she looked beautiful and I didn't even notice her wrinkles (which was true!), and then surprised myself when I heard myself say "I embrace my wrinkles - and consider them to be my badges of courage...I have lived through some very tough times and have come through it, and continue to do so each and every day. The wrinkles are a reminder that I may have a few scars from the battle, but that I am still here, still plugging away, still 'fighting the good fight' ".

There is nothing wrong with wanting to look your best...who knows, maybe I'd be contemplating surgery if my health circumstances were different. But I am in a place right now where I have two choices: to look at myself and see the imperfections, or look at myself and give thanks for my uniqueness, my specialness, the fact that I am here - yes, with a few lines and wrinkles...but the challenges life has thrown my way have also helped me to grow into a person I am proud of. So I choose not to focus on a few minor imperfections, but rather to see the beautiful person I am (or try to be!) on the inside. After all, isn't that what this journey called life is all about?? Andrea :-)