Sunday, April 26, 2009
Gratitude can change your life...
"No matter how bad things are in your life there
is always something good you can thank God for..."

~ Rick Warren
My first exposure to the concept of gratitude came several years ago when Oprah shared her experiences of applying gratitude to her life by using a gratitude journal. She shared the positive impact that writing down all that she was grateful for each day had in her life day. I have always been a glass half full person, and being grateful came naturally to me, so I didn't feel the need to actually keep a journal, but I did make a greater effort to set aside time each day to focus on all in my life I had to be thankful for.

As I became more enlightened about the Law of Attraction and the mind/body connection, and studied the philosophy of spiritual teachers like Dr. Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle , proponents of the positive impact of living a life of gratitude, I began to recognize the power of living in gratitude. So in addition to spending time focused on the blessings that already existed in my life, I began to pray with gratitude as well. I assumed that if what I desired in my life (for example good health, a sense of purpose, loving friends and family) was positive in nature and would not harm or hurt another, then that is something that God would also want for me. And so instead of asking God for good health, inspiration, or abundance...I started to pray with gratitude - and began to thank God for those things.

I've been living a life of gratitude for two years now and the impact it has had is profound. I've been through some challening times, including loss of a loved one, health challenges, and relationship difficulties, but I have been able to navigate through those time with a bright attitude and optimistic spirit. I believe this is because I have been able to create a pattern of gratitude that enables me to find the good in all circumstances (a problem no longer turns into a "why me," but rather is viewed as an opportunity for growth and enlightenment).

I recognized the impact this shift in perspective has created in my life earlier this week when I had to have a root canal done. I've had a bad experience with this procedure in the past so I was anxious about having it done...and then during the procedure there were a number of complications. When I was leaving the dentist's office I realized what a different experience this was from the last time. Both were difficult and challenging, but this time gratiude and positive expectation came to me so naturally I left feeling great. Never once during the two hour procedure when things were not going as they should did I start the pity party, the "why me" or "why is this happening?" I was able to easily keep my focus on the positive of the situation (yes, I really was able to find a positive aspect to what was going on!) and more importantly found great peace in prayer - no, not praying for God to get me through the experience, but using gratitude prayer to thank God for giving me strength and peace to get through it, as well as for the positive outcome that I knew was ahead.

If you don't believe that such a simple change in attitude can have such a profound impact, give gratiude living and praying a try...I have no doubt you will be thankful you did!!! ~ Andrea :-)
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dear Jimmy...
Dear Jimmy,

I can't believe it has been almost 20 years since I've seen or spoken to you. Time goes by so quickly - the last time we saw each other at a family get-together you were in your early 20's, full of amibition and big dreams. I know life didn't turn out exactly as you had planned - your career as an artist never came to fruition...through the years your mother shared the stories of heartbreak and disappointment that you incurred when the business deals that were to be your "big break" were not to be.

But I also understood that although you were sometimes down, you were never out - you found a new path, and as you approached forty you decided to go back to school and become a teacher. I so admired your ambition, and also your ablilty to never stop dreaming.

I also know that you dealt with a lot of challenge and struggle in your life. I can only imagine how difficult it was to share that you were gay with family and friends - I know many in our family can be judgemental, and I am sure it took great courage to do this. I was so sad to hear that you became HIV positive, and then learn that you developed AIDS. And I can't even begin to imagine how overwhelmed you must have felt when you were told you also had untreatable cancer.

Your mom continued to share stories of your fight...even when you were under Hospice care I understand you refused to give up and believed that you would be able to overcome what most would consider insurmountable odds.

My heart is so heavy today Jimmy as I learned that though you did all you could, you did not win this final battle. I know the small concillation that your mother, and the rest of the family has, knowing that you are no longer suffering...and that you are now surrounded by loving family members who preceeded you in death, and are now welcoming you "home" - to what I pray is a place of eternal peace and love.

It is difficult to understand why bad things happen to good people - I have always grappled with this. But I would like to believe that the place you exist in now is so amazing and so beautiful, that although you are gone from this earth, you are now of it - and your goodness, and kindness, and loving spirit will live on in those who knew you and loved you...and that you my dear cousin, are just beginning an incredible new journey that the rest of us can only imagine and hope for...
With love, Cousin Andy xoxo
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Try Chicken Soup With a Side of EFT...
I never get sick. I can't tell you the last time I had a cold/flu/virus. I'm usually pretty careful about avoiding people who are sick, and I wash my hands frequently, etc. But a little over a week ago my daughter and I spent the day together to celebrate her birthday. Normally I would not have been in such close contact with someone who was sick - she was just starting to get over a really bad cold/flu, but it was her birthday...

So a few days later there I was - runny nose, headache, high fever, cough...basically feeling pretty crummy. Thankfully I had just purchased some wonderful vegetable chicken soup at Whole Foods, so I was set in the food dept. Our refrigerator was stocked with honey, so I had what I needed for the cough and sinus congestion (if you don't know already, research indicates that honey can be more effective than cough syrup for coughs, and more effective than antibiotics for sinus infections).

That meant the only thing I was in need of was a cure for the anxiety that illnesses such as this can bring about. With all of the health challenges I have had the last 12 years, and my previous experience that even the slightest ailment can trigger a set-back to my overall health, getting sick always brings with it a concern that this could lead to other health consequences.

I decided to try using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to help me deal with these concerns, as well as for the general symptoms I was experiencing. I have used EFT for several years for many things, but never in a situation such as this. Well, I can tell you that I have had some pretty remarkable results!! First of all I really felt great for someone who was really pretty sick. For some reason the symptoms just didn't seem as severe as they should have been for having a fever of almost 102, a hacking cough, and bad headache. I can't say that EFT cured me, but I would say that it definitely took the edge off of the symptoms. Another benefit was that my concerns about the longer term impact of the cold/flu completely dissipated. It is almost one week later and my symptoms are vastly improved. I am also back to my old self in terms of energy and stamina...with no ill effects whatsoever.

What I am also very pleased about is that the entire time I was able to focus on all of the blessings of the sitution. I had such a strong sense of appreciation for even the smallest comfy, cozy bed...for my loving friends and family...for being blessed to have tools like EFT and visualization at my disposal. I believe this is a result of continually practicing gratitude in my life each day, which made it a natural thing to do, even under more physically challenging circumstances.

In addition to the EFT I also did lots of visualization. I frequently visualized my "strong, healthy immune system" fighting the germs. I also imagined myself healthy and feeling great, and that seemed to give my body some added support. I also did lots of Thymus Tapping - you will find complete details in my new book, Heal With Hope: A Healing Handbook & Journal...but to give you the abbreviated version of this simple exercise: vigorously tap on the thymus gland (center area of chest) with your finger tips to stimulate it. Why? The thymus is responsible for immune cell production. Add visualization, and you have created powerful support for your immune system!!

Hopefully I will never have to use EFT and visualization in this way again...but it is nice to know the amazing results one can get when you "feed the body and use the mind!!!!" ~ Andrea :-)