Saturday, November 24, 2012
Giving Thanks
The season of Thanksgiving...the time for giving thanks for the blessings in our lives. But this is not always easy to do when you're coping with illness, or facing any of the trials & tribulations that are a natural part of life.  I know there was a time when I was so overwhelmed with all that was happening in my life, particularly being so ill, that it was difficult to tap into feelings of gratitude.  But I can tell you that finding ways to do so has had such a positive impact on my life. Even when it felt a bit forced or insincere in the moment, the act of shifting to the positive, to all I had to be thankful for...even during those times I really had to dig deep to think of anything...always seemed to lift me from that funk. Because when you focus on giving thanks for what  you do have (however small it may seem at the time), the more blessings you will attract...and the more you will find to give thanks for.

So if life seems overwhelming, and you find it hard to count your blessings, dig really just might be surprised at how much you truly do have to give thanks for.  And in the process discover the power of positive, and begin attracting more goodness into your life.

With gratitude,  Andrea  :-)