Monday, August 20, 2012
THE POWER OF 1...Can Change The World!
You've likely read the Ghandi quote, "be the change you wish to see in the world" and perhaps thought to yourself, what difference can I make. I'm only one person. What can one person do?

Actually A LOT! By simply making a commitment to treat all people with respect, love, and caring, your attitude and actions will not only impact your life in a positive way, but all who you come in contact with each day. Every interaction with family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers, is an opportunity to plant seeds of positivity. These small acts of kindness can trigger the people whose lives you have touched, to extend that same gift of caring to another...with the potential to ultimately blossom and grow into a larger collective energy that truly can change the world!

As more and more people make a commitment to use their POWER OF 1 for good, this collective energy will one day create the compassionate, caring, and loving world we all dream of. Sound simplistic? Maybe it is. But is it possible? YES! And you have the power to make it happen!!  ~ Andrea Chervenak

PS To view our beautiful new POWER OF 1 Necklace & Key Chain: