Words have such immense power...they can lift us up, brighten a dark day, and inspire us to move from despair to a mindset of hope and peace. I began to recognize their true power during a very long and debilitating illness. Somehow all those little plaques, statues, and bookmarks I surrounded my living space with - with their hopeful and encouraging messages - helped me to maintain a sense of hope during a very trying time.
When I eventually found healing, and decided to share all that had helped me, I had no idea what a big part words of inspiration would play. After creating the Heal With Hope website, I would hear from people who were trying to maintain a positive focus, but were struggling to do so given all the challenges they were facing. I recognized there was such great need in this world for inspiration...and decided that I would create products to inspire, empower, and motivate!
First came
Wear Your Intention organic cotton t-shirts, and now I've just added organic tote bags, recycled note cards, and inspiration pendants. My plan then, and now, is to offer inspiration to those in need...and to use the profits from this effort to expand the ways in which I can share the benefits of the alternative and natural treatments, techniques, and philosophies that I know can help people live healthier and happier lives.
All of the products are on a website called
The Inspiration Boutique. I hope you will take a look, and let me know what you think. I am always open to your ideas and suggestions for what would inspire you! ~ Andrea :-)
andrea@healwithhope.com"It all begins with a thought."
~ Wear Your Intention