I've heard from many people who not only feel helpless about affecting change in their own lives, but also feel powerless to do anything about the hate and negativity that seems to be so pervasive in the world today.
After 10 years of struggling to cope with a debilitating illness I was blessed to be introduced to the teachings of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Eckhart Tolle, whose philosphies about the power of thought, energy, and ego, transformed my life (read
My Story). I now understand that not only can I impact my present and future by living with positive intention, but I also can impact the collective energy of the world by choosing to treat others with respect, love, and caring. I know when someone extends kindness and compassion to me, it can shift my entire attitude and positively impact my entire day...encouraging and enabling me to share that same positive energy with others I interact with.
Well, I got to thinking, what if everyone exercised their personal power and made a commitment to be kind and compassionate to one another...what kind of impact would that have on the world? And so I hope you will join me and make the choice to be a source of positiviy by "sharing a smile, lending a hand, sharing kindness...and hopefully in some small way - change the world in a positive way. Learn more about
The Power of 1 campaign...and I hope you will join me in resolving to make the world a more positive place... ~ Andrea :-)