Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Change is on the way....
When I created Heal With Hope several years ago little did I know that God had even bigger things in store for me. I now find more and more of my time being directed to my line of inspirational products (Wear Your Intention) which has morphed from one t-shirt two years ago, to more than 30 t-shirts designs, jewelry, cards and totes, today. What started as a way to help people stay focused on the positive during tough times, seems to grow and evolve each day. And I struggle to find the time I had been devoting to HWH the last few years. Because I want to practice what I preach, and honor my physical and emotional limitations, I am no longer going to be updating HWH on a monthly basis. Rather I will continue to post articles, update my blog, and share information when I have something I believe would be of interest to HWH visitors...it just won't be on such a regular basis.

If I have learned anything during my long and sometimes challenging life journey, is that there is no dishonor in not being able to do it all. I know that my need to be all things to all people contributed to the long and debilitating illness I struggled with for so long. Old habits are hard to break, and for too long I tried to "do it all" again...but I have learned to listen to my inner guide, and the message I am hearing is that it is time to let go of some of the responsibilities I have undertaken, no matter much I want to continue.

One thing will never change - and that is my commitment to do what I can to share a message of hope to those who are feeling lost, alone, or helpless. I will never forget what it was like to feel abandoned by my doctors, my friends, and at times God. I know life is filled with challenge...but I also know that if you carry hope in your heart, and choose to believe that all things are possible...you will always find your way. ~ Andrea :-) andrea@healwithhope.com