Sunday, May 31, 2015
Advice From A Jewish Mother!
If you've browsed this website you may have come across "my story" and know I've dealt with a great deal of health and other challenges. Heal With Hope was created to share the treatments, techniques and philosophies that helped me to heal...yet I always felt there was so much more I've learned that I could share. So I've created a new site to offer a light-hearted perspective, along with a bit of inspiration, for dealing with life's inevitable challenges. Check it out when you get a chance!  :-)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015
The Potential Health Impact of Wifi/EMF Radiation
Have you read our article on the potential health problems that can arise from exposure to wifi/EMF radiation? Yes your cell phone, laptop & tablet, television, even your refrigerator may be harming your health. While the ever-evolving wireless and smart technology makes life so much more convenient, more and more people are becoming sensitive to this form of radiation. Why? Probably because it is EVERYWHERE. You can't walk into a store or business these days without being surrounded by it. Doctor's offices, the mall, even communities have gone wireless. If you have unexplained health issues, headaches/migraines, dizziness, insomnia, or just don't feel sure to read our article on the potential health issues that can arise when your body is no longer able to deal with continued exposure to wifi/EMF radiation. Read Article
Monday, July 7, 2014
It took a bit longer than expected, but the new Heal With Hope website is now ready for prime time! Check out the all new features, articles, tips, inspiration, and information. You'll even find videos on some of the article pages, too.

Of course you may find a typo or two, or discover not everything is working perfectly...please let us know if this happens so we can fix it:

Healthy wishes,
Andrea  :-)

PS Sign up to receive email updates regarding new articles and health news:

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Saturday, March 29, 2014
Identifying & Releasing Emotional Blocks
If you've explored Heal With Hope you are likely aware that my research, along with my personal experiences, have led me to believe that most illness has some type of emotional root. The traumas, hurts, and stresses that we experience in life, and even before birth, can become trapped in the body...causing energy blocks that in turn wind up manifesting as physical & emotional symptoms. The challenge is figuring out what the emotions are, and where they are trapped in the body.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is a great technique for releasing physical and emotional symptoms. While it is easy to learn this tapping technique and do it on your own, working with an experienced practitioner can be immensely helpful in identifying the root of the buried emotion. I remember my first EFT session, the practitioner I was working with (Ruth Stern) asked me about my parents, and I told her what I felt at the time: "my parents were great and I know for a fact there are no emotional issues surrounding them..."

Through my work with Ruth I began to recognize the patterns of anxiety and fear that developed from having a mother who was ill equipped to handle the emotional aspects of motherhood, and a father whose behavior was erratic due to alcohol abuse.All of which manifested in unhealthy patterns of thought and expectation, which resulted in a host of physical and emotional symptoms. What amazed me, and still does to this day,is that I was unable to see these things until I pulled back the curtain and was guided to take an honest look.

EFT proved to be a powerful tool that aided in the release of these blocked emotions, and replaced them with healthier thought patterns. Though I no longer work with Ruth on a regular basis, I continue to use EFT on my own when needed...and find it very effective and beneficial.

The Emotion Code is another great technique for releasing the blocked emotions that may be at the root of your physical and/or emotional symptoms. Dr Bob Christiano, an alternative practitioner I've worked with for many years, recently added The Emotion Code to the host of healing services he offers. 

This technique created by Dr. Bradley Nelson helps him uncover the root cause of his client's health issues, and it has certainly proven to have had a positive impact on my healing journey. Dr Bob uncovered 10 trapped emotions, and we have been slowly working on releasing them. Being a very sensitive person I've learned to take things slow and take baby steps when it comes to this type of healing work.

If you are struggling to find answers to your health problems, I would strongly suggest you explore the emotional connection. You will find articles on this website, and of course a web search can lead you to many other great online resources. 

If you would like to consult with Ruth Stern or Dr. Bob Christiano, you can visit their websites: www.TapToTransform (Ruth Stern); (Dr. Bob). As always, I do not accept any paid advertising or endorsements, these recommendations are based solely on my personal opinions and experiences.

Healthy wishes, Andrea  :-)
Friday, July 19, 2013
The Power of Meditation
Curious about meditation?  Think it's too woo-woo or complicated? Laurie Martin provides insight and simple techniques that will help you tap into the power of meditation!

Meditation is an act of inner awareness directing our attention in a specific way. It is also similar to a deep rest and relaxation. 
It is an opportunity to draw our energy into ourselves by sitting quietly with our eyes closed. We benefit greatly by taking a few minutes each day to shut off the outside world and make ourselves a priority, our inner world and get to know who we are.

Meditation helps in other numerous ways. It is a way to quiet down all of the noise in your life. It allows us to practice staying fully in the present moment. By becoming the observer of your thoughts and feelings, you get clear on how you feel, and trust your gut feelings and intuition. Meditation expands self-discovery, helps create inner peace, improves clarity, stimulates creativity, elicits relaxation, and improves mental and physical health by releasing stress.

There are many different methods and techniques. And, just like any new habit you create in your life, it takes dedication, practice and loving patience:

1.  Create a time of day that works, a few minutes to thirty or even sixty minutes daily.

2.  Find a place in or outside your home that is quiet and comfortable. Sit on the floor, chair or grass.

3.  Set an intention to sit quiet and meditate.

4.  Close your eyes.

5.   Breathe in through your nose and out through your nose. Relax. Become the witness to your thoughts. Allow them to flow. Don’t resist them. Acknowledge them and lovingly guide yourself
back to feeling your breath entering your nose, feeling your breath leaving your nose.

6.  You can say silently, on the in breath “in”, and out on the out breath “out”. Adding a mantra, breathe in, “I am love”. Feel love throughout your whole being. You can do this exercise for a couple of minutes and then change your mantra to “I am perfect health.”

Other beginner exercises during meditation are counting the length of the inhale breath and the exhale breath, or watching the flame of a lighted candle. Your thoughts will pop in during this time. This is perfectly normal. Know that you are benefitting just by sitting quietly, being loving and relaxed.

With practice, you are learning not to “attach” to your thoughts. You are the witness of them. Then you learn to choose your thoughts wisely, choosing life affirming and positive thoughts that honor your beautiful infinite and fully empowered self, thoughts of unlimited possibilities.

Laurie Martin is a leading teacher of self-love and personal empowerment. Laurie is a Certified Life Coach, Yoga Teacher, writer and Author of Smile Across Your Heart: The Process of Building Self-Love and her new E-Book, The Conscious Breakup Guide. Sign up for her free newsletter to receive her workshop invites or purchase her Yoga DVD, books or services:
The Power of Affirmation
Written by the "affirmation queen" herself, Louise Hay:

PEOPLE OFTEN ASK ME, “What are affirmations and how can I use them?” An affirmation is any statement that we make—whether positive or negative. If affirmations are used consistently, they become beliefs and will always produce results, sometimes in ways that we cannot even imagine.

I’ve always said, “Life is simple. What we give out, we get back.” We can say out loud or think to ourselves one affirmation all day long, such as All is well, over and over and over. Or we can have a list of 20 affirmations and just say or write one each day. The number of times that we say or write an affirmation is really up to each individual.

When we concentrate on these affirmations and start to change our way of thinking, our inner voice immediately reacts to these new thoughts in one of two ways: with fear or with love. If we sense fear, then we need to say to ourselves, “Thank you for sharing. This is a thought that I’ll be sending you many times, so get used to it!” It’s as if our mind is a filing cabinet and these thoughts are new folders that we’re placing in it.

This is the moment when you’re either enjoying or not enjoying your life. What you’re feeling now is creating your tomorrows. Isn’t that a wonderful thing to know? You are in charge of your life! 

You don’t have time to waste on negative thinking because it only creates more of what you say you don’t want. If you’re doing positive affirmations and you’re not getting the results you want, then check to see how often during the day you allow yourself to feel bad or upset. These emotions are exactly what’s delaying the manifestation of your affirmations and stopping the flow of your good.

We live in an ever-expanding, unlimited Universe. The possibilities available to us are far beyond what our human minds can imagine. The only thing that ever limits us is our thinking. We waste our thoughts thinking of limitations. Our thoughts are so precious. Every thought we think is creating our future. Every thought!

Each time we think a thought that makes us feel bad in any way, it’s a wasted thought. Not only have we wasted an opportunity to think a positive thought and create a great life for ourselves, we’ve added to the pile of negative thoughts that bring uncomfortable experiences to us.

Each thought is precious. We can learn to think in positive affirmations. Yes, it takes a bit of doing to gain control over our thoughts; however, the rewards are tremendous. The past has no power over us. Even problems have no power over us. Our power lies in the thoughts that we choose to think today. Remember, there are endless opportunities for good before us.

We can think happy thoughts. We can think positive thoughts. We can say, “Yes, I can do it!”  We can think thoughts that make us feel joyous. We can learn to think only about all the good in the world. We can lift our thoughts up. We can greet the day with a smile. We can let the world know that we’re happy to be alive. We can express gratitude at every turn. We can love our bodies. We can be our best friend. By our actions, we’ll be an example for our children. Just by watching us, they’ll learn how to create a happy and fulfilling life.

Our reward is that we get to watch day by day as our lives turn into the most joyous, loving, healthy, prosperous, fabulous experiences. And this will last for all the rest of our days on Earth. So train yourself to think thoughts that make you feel good. That way, you’ll always be creating your life out of joy and in joy. Joy always brings more to be joyous about.

Affirm: I am the only thinker in my mind; and I choose to think joyous, happy, loving, positive thoughts 24/7. I love Life and Life loves me.

Saturday, November 24, 2012
Giving Thanks
The season of Thanksgiving...the time for giving thanks for the blessings in our lives. But this is not always easy to do when you're coping with illness, or facing any of the trials & tribulations that are a natural part of life.  I know there was a time when I was so overwhelmed with all that was happening in my life, particularly being so ill, that it was difficult to tap into feelings of gratitude.  But I can tell you that finding ways to do so has had such a positive impact on my life. Even when it felt a bit forced or insincere in the moment, the act of shifting to the positive, to all I had to be thankful for...even during those times I really had to dig deep to think of anything...always seemed to lift me from that funk. Because when you focus on giving thanks for what  you do have (however small it may seem at the time), the more blessings you will attract...and the more you will find to give thanks for.

So if life seems overwhelming, and you find it hard to count your blessings, dig really just might be surprised at how much you truly do have to give thanks for.  And in the process discover the power of positive, and begin attracting more goodness into your life.

With gratitude,  Andrea  :-)
Thursday, October 11, 2012
The Emotion Factor & The Hidden Cause of Illness
I mean really...something that happened when you were two years old could be behind an illness or physical symptoms 20, 30, 40, even 50 years later??  I can personally attest that YES, this is not only possible, but probable.  My 15 year journey to find healing from a debilitating chronic illness has led me down many paths, and I've tried just about every treatment, technique, and supplement I've come across.  But what has had the greatest impact is the discovery of the trauma and emotion behind my symptoms...and the patterns and behaviors that resulted from them. 

I won't bore you with the details, but I can tell you that events and circumstances that occurred when I was two and three years old established patterns of thought and behavior that I can now see were contributing factors in the development of the chronic illness I suffered with later in life. 

Thankfully we live in a time when there are so many knowledgeable and talented people who have the skill and ability to help us to identify, release, and move past these traumas and emotions.  If you have "tried everything" and have been unable to identify the cause of your illness/physical symptoms, or your instincts tell you that emotional blocks could be behind your physical challenges, I would recommend you consider the following:

1.  EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique
This technique involves tapping on acupressure points on the body, and can offer profound results. This does not require practitioner assistance, although working with someone experienced in EFT can greatly enhance results. While I use EFT on a regular basis on my own, it was the work I did with Ruth Stern that really helped me make the most of this powerful technique.  Read more about EFT

2.  Consider working with an energy healer/intuitive.  The work I have done with Cranio Sacral Therapist Charlene McLachlan, as well as others who do energy work, have provided amazing insights & results.  Releasing and letting go of blocked energy allows healthy chi to flow through the body, mind & spirit...and create an environment of healing so the body can do what it was intended to: heal itself.  Read more about Cranio Sacral

If you need help locating a practitioner feel free to email me and I would be glad to share the names/contact info of the energy healers I have worked with, or try to help you find someone in your area:

~ Andrea  :-)