Thursday, August 28, 2008
Finding calm in the storm...
It has been a wild and crazy couple of life has been wonderfully full as I spend 8-10 hours each day working on my book, updating and revising the website, and my creative juices were flowing with more ideas than I could possibly handle right now. All was going along smoothly as the healing work I have done was helping me to be stronger than I had in a very long time, and I focused on incorporating all of the spiritual lessons I have learned to help keep me grounded and in a good place.

And then came the brand new fabulous computer crashed. Within the course of a few minutes all of the hard work - the book, the website, the personal projects I had been working on were seemingly gone. I had spent about 6 hours earlier that day working on rewrites to my book...I was having a hard time finding the right words and the day's progress was slow, and finally I thought I had worked through all of the kinks...and suddenly it was very possible that it was all gone.

It took several days, but I eventually discovered that a repair was possible and that not all of the data would be lost...what a relief!! Then the next day we were presented with a new challenge - our air conditioner decided that it had outlived it's life expectancy, and was ready to head to air conditioner heaven.

Now most of you don't know me - don't know that I am not what one might consider to be "good in an emergency." I freely admit that I have been prone to panic and am a bit excitable and overly empathethic...

Well that was then, and this is now. I'm not saying I didn't have a moment or two, but 99.9% of the time I discovered that not only do I preach to others about living in the moment and anticipating positive end results in every situation, but I now find that I actually live in that place myself. When the computer crashed I was concerned, but was also able to stay present in the moment and realize that there wasn't much I could do other than to focus on and hold on to the knowing that it would all work out and that whatever needed to happen would, and that it would all end exactly the way it was intended to. Same with the air conditioner...I consciously made the choice to think of all of the people who had it worse than me - those who were without power from Tropical Storm Fay - so not only were they also hot, but they had no refrigerator, no lights, and some had to evacuate their homes because of flooding. I also choose to know that everything would fall into place and be ok...and that is exactly what happened.

I find more and more how easy it is to fall into that place of peace in the connect with my inner guide that tells me that everything is going to be ok, all is happening in the exact way it was intended. It took a long time to get to this place - it is easy to be "positive" when things are going well...the true test comes when things take a bad turn. I know the "bad turn" could have been much worse...but I also know that whatever comes my way I will not project and look for the worst...I will work at aligning myself with positive expectation...and I have no doubt that everything will be ok. As I said to a friend the other day, I no longer expect there will never be storms in my life...I just now know that it is possible to find peace within every storm. ~ Andrea :-)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Old friends are the best friends...
You've probably heard the quote, "some people come into your life for a reason, some for a season, and others for a lifetime..." I love this, because it really is true - you meet someone, have a real connection with them, but within a short period of time, for one reason or another, they are gone from your life...probably because the reason they were there has now been resolved, and it is time for both of you to move on. Then there are those people that you think are gone from your life forever, but for some reason you continually find your paths crossing again and again.

I've recently reconnected with an old business associate who I always liked and admired on a personal as well as professional level, and it feels as though it had been weeks, not years since we'd last been in touch. Today I had the chance to speak to another business acquaintance who I always had fond feelings for, and again I felt as though it could not possibly have been 10 years since we had spoken...

What is it about some people that the connection is always in place?? No matter how long it has been since you have seen or spoken to them, there is a special bond that allows you to fall back into conversation and reconnect with ease?? This brings to mind a very special friend - a gal I've known for over 25 years...Janet and I met in the supermarket when our boys were about 6 months old and became fast friends. I moved away 20 years ago, and have only seen her once in all that time...and yet when we make our annual phone call to one another during the holidays we are on the phone for hours and it truly feels like no time at all had passed...

One of my oldest and dearest friends, Sue (pictured here with my husband), and I have a relationship like that. We can go for months, even years, without being in touch...and then we see each other or get on the phone and it feels like we had just spoken the week before.

What a wonderful gift it is to not only be blessed with the people who are close to you in your daily life, but also to have those special connections to those who you may not see or hear from often, but to whom you always and forever feel a bond with. I give great thanks to God for the blessing of being reconnected with so many amazing people...what an incredible gift!!
~ Andrea :-)
Friday, August 8, 2008
If you needed proof...
Several years ago I first heard Dr. Wayne Dyer speak about the transformative power of our thoughts - his message that "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" really resonated with me. And so I began my journey of learning how to use this to change the circumstances of my life.

I studied the wisdom of spiritual teachers like Dr. Dyer and developed my own exercises and techniques that enhanced my ability to refocus my thinking and to "retrain my brain"(watch for information about my new book that outlines all of these methods). I began to notice positive changes and so I shared this newfound approach with family and friends. Most were already used to my "far-out" ideas and would just smile, but as they saw my life improve, they began to listen a bit more and some even began to change their lives by changing their thinking too!

Let's face it though, part of the human experience is to doubt and to question, and this belief was no different. I knew that how I directed my thoughts absolutely did have an impact on what I was attracting into my life, but there are always those little nagging doubts, I wondered about the limitations of this power to really change things. But if I ever had any doubt before, I can tell you after this recent experience I don't any longer:

I recently wrote a book and have been in the process of having copies created at a local office supply shop (Staples). Because of the unique nature of the book I was creating an acutal mock-up of what I want the book to look like so publishers would be able to grasp the entire concept of what I am trying to achieve. This process required printing the pages, having them cut to size, printing and laminating the cover, then having it all bound.

The first few copies were perfect - and all went well. But the next day I received a call that they were having problems with the laminating machine and couldn't get it to work right. This was particularly upsetting as I had promised to send the book out that day to someone who was trying to help me get it published, so it was really important to get a good copy completed. I went over to Staples and saw for myself just how bad the cover looked - and it was awful!

The two gals working at the copy center had come to know me and understood how important this project was, and had made over a half dozen attempts to provide at least one good cover. I knew we had to get this done somehow and so thought it was a perfect time to put the power of positive thinking and gratitude into practice. I told them that we were going to work together to attract positive energy to this situation and get the laminator to do what we needed it to do. They had both gotten to know me quite well the last few weeks and just smiled and gave me that "let's just humor her" look I've seen many times before.

I asked everyone to take a deep breath, and then we set an intention that the laminator was going to begin to work perfectly (I said the words, they just smiled and rolled their eyes!), but they did nod in agreement! I then went over to the machine, put my hand on it, and said: "Thank you laminator for creating 3 perfect book covers for me - I need to get this project done and thank you for your cooperation." I then spent a moment visualizing the machine at work and the end result being 3 perfect covers.

They were reluctant to give it another try as they had tried so many times unsuccessfully, but I knew the cover would be perfect this time, and so they agreed to try one more time...

I have to be honest and admit that when the laminator put out three perfect covers I was delighted, and a little relieved - I believe in the power of being able to shift energy by shifiting our thoughts, but this was a machine after all, and I was surrounded by people who didn't really believe it possible. I must say both gals were amazed and the seeds have been planted - they now know that they hold the power to change circumstances that are seemingly impossible to change.

This story gets even better because the next day the exact same thing happened, though it was with a different employee, but the end result was the same! They couldn't get the machine to laminate properly, I came and changed the energy of the situation, and we were able to get the job done!!

Last night when I dropped off 3 more books to be put together I decided to try setting the right energy before leaving the store, rather than have to go back and fix it I went over to the laminator, thanked it for the perfect job I knew it was going to do on the book covers - and left. When I went back to pick up the books, Trisha, the gal who had been there the first time this all happened, was delighted though a bit surprised that she had 3 perfect books ready for me!!

Now I realize that to some this is going to sound crazy - even impossible. Believe me, I completely understand...but I also tell you with 100% certainty that "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at can change!" Just ask the staff at the Staples copy center! ~ Andrea :-)