Hope is the voice deep within that whispers, "I think I can"...
and grows louder to say, "I know I can, and I will!"
~ Andrea Chervenak
Everyday life is challenging enough, but the economic crisis the world is now facing has created unprecedented struggle and suffering for so many. If not directly affected, you probably know someone who is. And then there is the fear factor - the worry of what the future holds, not just for yourself, but for the world around you.
No matter how aware or enlightened you are, it is so easy to slip back into patterns of anxiety and fear...how readily we can get caught up in the cycle of doom and gloom. And if there is anything that I have learned, it is that allowing yourself to exist in negative expectation only serves to increase its power, and allows it to grow and morph...until you are so deep in the thick of it, that the light of hope becomes invisible...
If you have lost your job, your home, or are overwhelmed by any situation that is testing your ability to hold on to hope, and have faith that everything is going to be okay, I pray that you will find a way to disassociate from this dark perspective and be able to keep your focus on the light that is surely ahead. In no way am I diminishing the anguish you might be feeling - but I have lived in a place of darkness, and know that it is suffocating and does only one thing - weaken you mentally, physically, and spiritually.
It may require you to dig deep, but refusing to attach yourself to fear, negativity, and doubt...and instead choosing to align yourself with the positive energy that flows so readily to those who seek it, will help you to light your path and lead you to all that is yours to know and do.
When fear and doubt take hold, declare your intention to let it go: "Even though my situation is difficult and challenges me in so many ways...I choose to let go of all fear, all doubt, all negatitivy, all anxiety..."
And declare your intention for what it is you want to attract to your life, "I choose to align myself with the positive energy of faith and hope...and I give thanks that all I need to know and all I need to do will find its way to me."
I know this is not easy, but I also know that on the other side of darkenss there is always light...and its beacon shines more brightly to those who seek it.
With wishes for blessings of abundance, good health, and peace... ~ Andrea :-)