Several years ago I turned 50 and had pretty much given up on living the life I had always expected to live. I was struggling with chronic health issues and had gone from being an independent, free-spirited, and positive being... to someone I no longer recognized.
While browsing through a bookstore one day I came across a beautiful metal bookmark with a quote from George Eliot that really struck a cord:
It is never too late to be what
you might have been.
I remember thinking, "if only this were true..." as at this point I had begun to belive that perhaps I was not destined for the purposeful and passionate life I had always envisioned. But I suppose the optimist in me still existed because I decided to buy it to add to my "inspiration corner" that I had set up in my bedroom. Every once in a while this quote would catch my eye and I would again think, "if only this were true..."
And so here it is, just a couple of years later, and quite frankly I find myself in a place that I truly never imaged was possible when I bought that bookmark not that long ago -living a life filled with more inspiration and purpose than I have ever imagined possible.
I have been so blessed to have found my way from a very dark place, to living a more enlightened and inspired life. The focus of my life has completely changed and the person who was once full of doubt and uncertainty has been replaced by someone who has choosen to live in a place of faith and positive expectation.
I have been divinely inspired these last few years and am so grateful for the guidance that has led me to develop a line of inspirational tee shirts, along with a website about the power of positive intention and expectation (
http://www.WearYourIntention.com/). A book that I have spent the last two years writing (
Heal With Hope A Healing Handbook & Journal) that is scheduled to be released in the next two weeks. And I marvel at the evolution of the
Heal With Hope website that has grown from a few pages two years ago, to over 100 pages today.
The lessons I have learned and applied to my life are not special to me, and can transform anyone's life. And so I have finally found an outlet for the purpose and passion I had always hoped to find in life...by sharing these lessons with others in the hope that someone else may be inspired to turn their life around, and that anyone who is feeling as though the best days of their life is behind them - and that miracles only happen to others but never them - will know that everything is possible. It truly is "never too late to be what you might have been." It doesn't matter what your age is, or how impossible your dream may seem. I found my way, and you can too!! ~ Andrea :-)