I never get sick. I can't tell you the last time I had a cold/flu/virus. I'm usually pretty careful about avoiding people who are sick, and I wash my hands frequently, etc. But a little over a week ago my daughter and I spent the day together to celebrate her birthday. Normally I would not have been in such close contact with someone who was sick - she was just starting to get over a really bad cold/flu, but it was her birthday...
So a few days later there I was - runny nose, headache, high fever, cough...basically feeling pretty crummy. Thankfully I had just purchased some wonderful vegetable chicken soup at Whole Foods, so I was set in the food dept. Our refrigerator was stocked with honey, so I had what I needed for the cough and sinus congestion (if you don't know already, research indicates that honey can be more effective than cough syrup for coughs, and more effective than antibiotics for sinus infections).
That meant the only thing I was in need of was a cure for the anxiety that illnesses such as this can bring about. With all of the health challenges I have had the last 12 years, and my previous experience that even the slightest ailment can trigger a set-back to my overall health, getting sick always brings with it a concern that this could lead to other health consequences.
I decided to try using
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to help me deal with these concerns, as well as for the general symptoms I was experiencing. I have used EFT for several years for many things, but never in a situation such as this. Well, I can tell you that I have had some pretty remarkable results!! First of all I really felt great for someone who was really pretty sick. For some reason the symptoms just didn't seem as severe as they should have been for having a fever of almost 102, a hacking cough, and bad headache. I can't say that EFT cured me, but I would say that it definitely took the edge off of the symptoms. Another benefit was that my concerns about the longer term impact of the cold/flu completely dissipated. It is almost one week later and my symptoms are vastly improved. I am also back to my old self in terms of energy and stamina...with no ill effects whatsoever.
What I am also very pleased about is that the entire time I was able to focus on all of the blessings of the sitution. I had such a strong sense of appreciation for even the smallest things...my comfy, cozy bed...for my loving friends and family...for being blessed to have tools like EFT and visualization at my disposal. I believe this is a result of continually practicing gratitude in my life each day, which made it a natural thing to do, even under more physically challenging circumstances.
In addition to the EFT I also did lots of
visualization. I frequently visualized my "strong, healthy immune system" fighting the germs. I also imagined myself healthy and feeling great, and that seemed to give my body some added support. I also did lots of
Thymus Tapping - you will find complete details in my new book,
Heal With Hope: A Healing Handbook & Journal...but to give you the abbreviated version of this simple exercise: vigorously tap on the thymus gland (center area of chest) with your finger tips to stimulate it. Why? The thymus is responsible for immune cell production. Add visualization, and you have created powerful support for your immune system!!
Hopefully I will never have to use EFT and visualization in this way again...but it is nice to know the amazing results one can get when you "feed the body and use the mind!!!!" ~ Andrea :-)