Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It has little to do with turkey, and everything to do with the spirit of the season. I grew up with a father who didn't believe in self-pity, but did believe in being thankful for what you have - however much or little that might be. As a kid I never wanted for much, but whatever I had never seemed to be enough. Every time I would complain that I didn't have this or that, or some other perceived tragedy, my father would remind me "
there is always someone who has it worse than you." His favorite story was about the man who was sitting in a bar complaining to the man next to him about a hole in his shoe, when he looked over and realized that man had no leg. No matter how many times dad shared this story, it was always a sobering reminder how much worse life could be.
Several years ago I lived through a very long and challenging period dealing with debilitating symptoms from a chronic illness that left me struggling to find much to be grateful for. But on the darkest of those days I would hear my father's words, "there is always someone who has it worse than you..." and I would be reminded that as hard as my life was, there was someone who was dealing with something much worse.
As I moved through that long, difficult time my sense of gratefulness increased. Actually I believe that having a strong sense of gratitude helped me to survive and come through the experience stronger, wiser...and more grateful. There is so much I am thankful for today. I still stuggle with my health from time to time, and I have heartaches and disappointments like everyone else. But I have learned that if I can focus on the blessings, if I can find something to be grateful for no matter what circumstances, I move through the experience more quickly and easily.
I give thanks for all of the blessings in my life. I give thanks for being guided to all of the answers and cures I need to be healthy. I give thanks for my happy, healthy, loving family and friends. I give thanks for the people who love and support me. I give thanks for the inspiration, purpose and passion that fills my life. And I give thanks for the sense of gratitude that fills my spirit and enriches my life. I pray your life be blessed with many reasons to be thankful this holiday season. ~ Andrea :-)