You know the days - it's not anything major, well at least not most of the time - just annoyances, pettiness, a bit of struggle...the everyday challenges of life standing in the way of the peaceful and calm life you are trying to create. When you work so hard to live up to your best and full potential as a human being, and life continues to throw obstacles your way, you may wonder why you are constantly being tested. At least that is how I sometimes feel...and I must admit that I can become frustrated, even a bit defeated at times.
I was having "one of those days" recently and happened upon these five simple words that turned my entire day around:
Our life is our practice. What a great explanation for all of the trials and tribulations of our lives! We are just a work-in-progress...constantly growing, developing and evolving from each and every experience...the good, the bad, even the most difficult of challenges. So when I was able to see that day's ups and downs as a part of my "training" and as a learning experience, it gave the day a whole new meaning. How much nicer to view the frustrations as lessons, and the annoyances as growth opportunities!
I once read a very wise elderly man was asked how he dealt with the difficult aspects of life and he replied, "I see it all as a test - and respond to it that way - never making it personal, but rather as challenges that need to be overcome".
So the next time life doesn't go exactly as I've planned I will view it as a test, as my practice, as a part of my spiritual and emotional growth...that sure seems a lot more productive than wallowing in "why me". ~Andrea :-)