Saturday, June 12, 2010
Flu Philosopy!
"You can't be never get sick!" Well my husband was wrong. I had some kind of flu/virus that had me feeling pretty lousy for the last week. Even though I wasn't feeling great, I knew it could have been so much worse. Because I take good care of my body on a regular basis, I was able to fight the virus off and recover quickly. But what also got me through without too much wear and tear was my positive mental attitude.

If you've never tried living life from the "it can always be worse" perspective, I suggest you give it a try. I've found that when things go wrong the more I focus on what is wrong and the more "woe is me" attitude I have, the worse things seem to become. But when things go wrong and I work at shifting my thinking to, "ok this stinks...but I know it could always be worse" and I refocus my thoughts to all of the things that are right and all of the blessings...somehow things always seem to get back on track.

And I used this same philosophy to get me through the flu. Every time I started feeling really sick I would remind myself how much worse it could have been...and then started thinking about all of the blessings that fill my life. So when my fever would spike I would remind myself that at least my stomach wasn't affected. Or when my cough became really annoying I would remind myself how lucky I am to know about the soothing effects of honey and how this natural miracle helps to calm a cough without any side affects. Doing this would always make me feel a little better...and before long I noticed that even when I was feeling bad, I wasn't feeling bad...

So next time life is not cooperating with your plans, try having an attitude of gratitude and remind yourself, "it can always be worse..." and see if that doesn't help you move through life's challenges a little more easily! ~ Andrea :-)