Sunday, May 31, 2009
Love Yourself Anyway...

The greatest transformation in my life occurred when I finally grasped the true meaning of acceptance. That life is full of circumstances and situations that one would not necessarily choose for oneself - be it ill health, relationship problems, career challenges, or financial hardship. But true acceptance is being able to say, "ok, this is where I am, this is the situation life has handed me, and I choose to have faith that despite this challenge, I am going to find my way."

By diligently working at this - even during some pretty dark times - I now have sense of inner peace and calm that I had never before been able to connect with. It's not that I no longer struggle or face challenges, but when I do, I refuse to exist in that place of recrimination and regret. I keep myself focused on the present moment, as I continually shift my thinking to positive anticipation and expectation. During particularly challenging times I will use visulization and gratitude prayer to keep myself focused on the blessing that I choose to believe are on the way. This shift in attitude has created many positive changes in my life.

One of the healing techniques that I use to reinforce this attitude choice is EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique is an incredibly simple process that helps to release blocked emotion and energy. It incorporates the use of a statement that always ends with love and acceptance of oneself, despite the symptoms, emotions, or flaws you have recognized and are trying to release. The statement one would use goes something like this: "Even though _____, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

I've recently begun to notice an unexpected benefit I have discovered since using EFT: I have made great progress in shedding the life-time habit of having unrealistic expectations for myself. I have come to realize that instead of self-recrimination, when I obverse an imperfection or I am disappointed with myself, I find myself looking at the "imperfection" or behavior with a greater sense of personal love and acceptance. It is not that I no longer strive for better, but I seem to have reversed long-held patterns of regret and disdain, and have replaced them with this more positive and accepting attitude.

I still work at losing weight, I still wish I had a few fewer wrinkles and were free of all health challenges...but as I continue to strive to grow and evolve, I can also love and accept the person I am right here, right now. ~ Andrea :-)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A Metaphor For Life!
Last May I shared my excitement about a plant I had for a number of years, and how it had suddenly sprouted the most beautiful flowers. At the time I wrote about how this had reminded me of the mircale of nature, and how life is continually blessed with unexpected surprises.

This winter the plant appeard to be dying - it was losing leaves, had no new growth, and looked as though it wasn't going to survive. It got bad enough that I wondered how much longer it would survive. This filled me with sadness... something that was such a source of enjoyment, had turned into a reminder as to how things can change suddenly... and not always for the best.

I decided to repot it, give it some fresh soil and a larger pot to spread its roots. For the last few months it hung on - not looking great, but not getting any worse. Then two weeks ago I noticed a small flower was beginning to sprout...and a few days later another...then another...and well, you can see from the picture how well this plant is doing now!

What a metaphor for life this plant has become. First a reminder that in life we must always expect the unexpected, because you never know when something beautiful and amazing will sprout in your life. Then it served as a reminder of the cycle of life's natural ebb and flow... nothing lasts forever, good or bad. And now it's an example that although there are times when we may struggle and things may look bleak, if you tend to your roots with love and care - and have patience - you too will once again find flowers sprouting in your life.
~ Andrea :-)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
The Road Less Traveled...
"We must be willing to fail and to appreciate the truth that often life
is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived
~ M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled

All week I'd been searching for the right words, those that would provide inspiration to my daughter, who was faced with making a life-changing decision. It was a difficult choice...should she take a safe and predictable route, or choose a more uncertain path and take "a road less traveled", one filled with more uncertainty, but also more potential.

I had provided my typical motherly support, but wanted something a bit more profound to share with her...and I found it, in the most unlikely of places. I was reading the sports page of the newspaper, an editorial by one of the paper's sports columnists - something by the way, I rarely do. And there it was, the words that I had been looking for, the M. Scott Peck quote at the top of this page. I felt as though his words reinforced my advice of "life is full of uncertainty...but that should never stop you from following your heart...and taking chances..."

Each time something like this happens - that something I need to know or do shows up in an unpredictable way - I am in awe of the amazing power we each have to attract what it is we need and want to our lives . Sometimes it's not how or where I would expect it to, but if always shows up as long as I keep myself open to it.

But this gets even better. After reading this quote and a bit more about Peck's book in the editorial, I decided this was a book I wanted to check out, but for one reason or another I wasn't able to get to the book store. On Friday evening I accompanied a relative to an appointment, which I had planned to participate in. Turns out it was intended to be a one-on-one visit, and so I was relegated to a waiting area. I sat on the sofa trying to figure out what I would do with this unexpected 45 minutes of free time when I glanced over at the bookshelf across from me, and lo and behold sitting there was a copy of The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck!!! So there it was - my opportunity to get a good look at the book I was so curious about. I read through it and discovered that there were a few messages in the book that were of interest to me, read them, then put the book back on the shelf knowing that I no longer needed to purchase it as I had taken from it what I needed.

I know some would say, "this is just a coincidence" but it is more than that to me. When I clearly set intentions for what I need in life, and open myself to whatever way in which the Universe may respond, I find exactly what it is I need each and every time. So if you feel that you are ready for guidance from a higher power, let your intent be known...then without judgement be open to all that comes your just may find your answers in the most unexpected places!!!! ~ Andrea :-)
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Choosing Faith...
For most of my life I struggled with faith: is there a God? If there is, then is one religion right and all others wrong? Was Jesus the son of God, or is the Messiah yet to come? And if God is all loving and all forgiving, then why have many religious people I have met believe that those who don't accept God or Jesus in the manner they believe will be condemed to eternal hell?

I have no doubt that this uncertainty and sense of disconnection was a block that prevented me from finding peace and comfort in my life.

A few years ago I was working with an alternative practitioner regarding a chronic health issue that had no known cause or cure. He was a very spiritual man with a strong faith in God, but with no religous affiliation. One day he suggested to me that "faith is something we choose, and is not something we are necessarily born to believe." Believe it or not I had never considered this before - I was fascinated by the concept that I could choose to have faith, and therefore I would. He also suggested that my uncertain religious/spiritual faith could be at the root of my illness, and recommended I explore this further.

As always happens when the time is right and the student is ready, some remarkable people came into my life, and whose wisdom and teachings guided me to resolve much of my uncertainty. I still don't have an affiliation with any religious group, nor have any profound revelations occured to me that have clarified the questions that I have pondered most of my life. But what did happen is I discovered my own power.

I discovered that we each have the power to choose - our thoughts, our feelings, our beliefs. That when we have doubts, we can make the choice to let them go, and rather align ourselves with the knowing that life is unfolded exactly as it is intended to. When our failings and limitations present themselves we can accept them, knowing that we are not and never will be perfect...and to love and accept ourselves anyway. When we are disappointed we have the ability to shift our thoughts to focus on our blessings instead, and the things that are right and good in our lives. Most importantly, when we are filled with fear and uncertainty we can choose to have recognize that although we can't control the circumstances or the events that occur in life, we can control is how we react to them.

And so I have finally discovered true faith. I choose to believe that there is a God who wants the same goodness and love for me that I want for myself. That all I need to know and do will always be available to me if I ask to be guided to it. And most importantly I live in faith that no matter how dark the day or difficult my struggles, I will always find my way to light once again. ~ Andrea :-)