"We must be willing to fail and to appreciate the truth that often life
is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived."
~ M. Scott Peck, The Road Less Traveled
All week I'd been searching for the right words, those that would provide inspiration to my daughter, who was faced with making a life-changing decision. It was a difficult choice...should she take a safe and predictable route, or choose a more uncertain path and take "a road less traveled", one filled with more uncertainty, but also more potential.
I had provided my typical motherly support, but wanted something a bit more profound to share with her...and I found it, in the most unlikely of places. I was reading the sports page of the newspaper, an editorial by one of the paper's sports columnists - something by the way, I rarely do. And there it was, the words that I had been looking for, the M. Scott Peck quote at the top of this page. I felt as though his words reinforced my advice of "life is full of uncertainty...but that should never stop you from following your heart...and taking chances..."
Each time something like this happens - that something I need to know or do shows up in an unpredictable way - I am in awe of the amazing power we each have to attract what it is we need and want to our lives . Sometimes it's not how or where I would expect it to, but if always shows up as long as I keep myself open to it.
But this gets even better. After reading this quote and a bit more about Peck's book in the editorial, I decided this was a book I wanted to check out, but for one reason or another I wasn't able to get to the book store. On Friday evening I accompanied a relative to an appointment, which I had planned to participate in. Turns out it was intended to be a one-on-one visit, and so I was relegated to a waiting area. I sat on the sofa trying to figure out what I would do with this unexpected 45 minutes of free time when I glanced over at the bookshelf across from me, and lo and behold sitting there was a copy of The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck!!! So there it was - my opportunity to get a good look at the book I was so curious about. I read through it and discovered that there were a few messages in the book that were of interest to me, read them, then put the book back on the shelf knowing that I no longer needed to purchase it as I had taken from it what I needed.
I know some would say, "this is just a coincidence" but it is more than that to me. When I clearly set intentions for what I need in life, and open myself to whatever way in which the Universe may respond, I find exactly what it is I need each and every time. So if you feel that you are ready for guidance from a higher power, let your intent be known...then without judgement be open to all that comes your way...you just may find your answers in the most unexpected places!!!! ~ Andrea :-)