Last May I shared my excitement about a plant I had for a number of years, and how it had suddenly sprouted the most beautiful flowers. At the time I wrote about how this had reminded me of the mircale of nature, and how life is continually blessed with unexpected surprises.
This winter the plant appeard to be dying - it was losing leaves, had no new growth, and looked as though it wasn't going to survive. It got bad enough that I wondered how much longer it would survive. This filled me with sadness... something that was such a source of enjoyment, had turned into a reminder as to how things can change suddenly... and not always for the best.
I decided to repot it, give it some fresh soil and a larger pot to spread its roots. For the last few months it hung on - not looking great, but not getting any worse. Then two weeks ago I noticed a small flower was beginning to sprout...and a few days later another...then another...and well, you can see from the picture how well this plant is doing now!
What a metaphor for life this plant has become. First a reminder that in life we must always expect the unexpected, because you never know when something beautiful and amazing will sprout in your life. Then it served as a reminder of the cycle of life's natural ebb and flow... nothing lasts forever, good or bad. And now it's an example that although there are times when we may struggle and things may look bleak, if you tend to your roots with love and care - and have patience - you too will once again find flowers sprouting in your life. ~ Andrea :-)