The greatest transformation in my life occurred when I finally grasped the true meaning of
acceptance. That life is full of circumstances and situations that one would not necessarily choose for oneself - be it ill health, relationship problems, career challenges, or financial hardship. But true acceptance is being able to say, "
ok, this is where I am, this is the situation life has handed me, and I choose to have faith that despite this challenge, I am going to find my way."
By diligently working at this - even during some pretty dark times - I now have sense of inner peace and calm that I had never before been able to connect with. It's not that I no longer struggle or face challenges, but when I do, I refuse to exist in that place of recrimination and regret. I keep myself focused on the present moment, as I continually shift my thinking to positive anticipation and expectation. During particularly challenging times I will use visulization and gratitude prayer to keep myself focused on the blessing that I choose to believe are on the way. This shift in attitude has created many positive changes in my life.
One of the healing techniques that I use to reinforce this attitude choice is
Emotional Freedom Technique is an incredibly simple process that helps to release blocked emotion and energy. It incorporates the use of a statement that always ends with love and acceptance of oneself, despite the symptoms, emotions, or flaws you have recognized and are trying to release. The statement one would use goes something like this: "
Even though _____, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
I've recently begun to notice an unexpected benefit I have discovered since using EFT: I have made great progress in shedding the life-time habit of having unrealistic expectations for myself. I have come to realize that instead of self-recrimination, when I obverse an imperfection or I am disappointed with myself, I find myself looking at the "imperfection" or behavior with a greater sense of personal love and acceptance. It is not that I no longer strive for better, but I seem to have reversed long-held patterns of regret and disdain, and have replaced them with this more positive and accepting attitude.
I still work at losing weight, I still wish I had a few fewer wrinkles and were free of all health challenges...but as I continue to strive to grow and evolve, I can also love and accept the person I am right here, right now. ~ Andrea :-)