Saturday, December 29, 2007
Then and Now...
Several years ago during the holiday season I was at a low point with my health, and to top things off I was dealing with a difficult dental problem that just wouldn't seem to go away. It's a long story, but the point is I suffered greatly, not only from the dental issue, but the problems that developed after dental treatment that added stress and toxic exposure to an already overwhelmed body. It was a tough time emotionally and physically, but I eventually made it through and was glad to leave that experience behind me.

Well, it's a new holiday season and that same area in my mouth is acting up again. Of course it started the day my dentist and endodontist closed for the holidays, and they won't reopen until the 2nd of January, so I can't have a professional evalutation done. At first it was like deja vu first thought was,"here we go again"!!

But I am filled with so much gratitude because as I look back on the last two weeks I realize that I have grown so much spiritually and intelletually, and now have the skills to better cope with a situation like this. I know that the more I focus on the problem, the greater it will become. I remind myself often that everything always works out, and I keep the faith that will be the end result in this situation too. I use the tools I have learned, like EFT, to resolve the emotion involved with a difficult situation, and that is so helpful. And of course the Universe always provides when we are open to it - and a great new practitioner has entered my life who has offered some useful suggestions to improve things. This wonderful acupuncture practitioner uses a technique called color therapy - combining the use of color with acupunture. Using a blue light (which is calming) she was able to calm the nerve that appears to be causing the problems.

And so today a circumstance that would have set me in a tailspin a few years ago, now appears to be an opportunity to demonstrate my ability to cope with the obstacles that I now know is just a natural part of life. The difference now is I know that I can deal with any circumstance that comes my way because I have faith - in a Higher Power and in myself. ~Andrea