Sunday, March 1, 2009
Add self-refelction to the list...
When you know better, you do better.
~ Oprah

Life is full of second chances...we make mistakes, hopefully we learn from them, and make better choices the next time we are in a similar situation.

I have made a lot of mistakes in my lifetime...have learned lots of lessons, and made better choices because of it. But I've recently learned one of the most valuable lessons of all: just because you know better, doesn't always mean you will do better.

Having uncovered many "secrets" to health and healing after a very long journey searching for answers to my own challenges, I wanted to share my discoveries with others in the hope that perhaps I could ease their burden. I created a website and later wrote a book, and suppose that over time I came to see myself as somewhat of an "authority"on living a more enlightened life. I don't view myself as an expert, but rather a graduate of the "School of Hard Knocks,"and having made lots of mistakes and learned from them, I began to see myself as an example of what works for a life of better health, harmony and balance.

So I must confess that I was surprised and disappointed to recently find myself back in a place that I vowed to never be again. I discovered that it is easy to fall back into old habits and behaviors, without even realizing you have done so. How quickly I moved from my new lifestyle that included honoring my body, mind, and spirit through self-awareness and self-reflection...back to the push, push, push, do, do , do, persona that created the environment of stress and disconnection that caused my health issues in the first place.

Although disappointed that I so easily slipped back to my old patterns of putting work obligations ahead of my personal needs and respect for other people's time and attention, I was able to recognize and reverse this before it began to create negative implications to my health and well beging.

I love that I am able to see this experience for what it is - a reminder that living an enlightened, spiritual life requires continued effort and vigilance. That anything worth having, doing, or being is hard work. That though one's heart may be pure, it is still easy to be led by the ego and stray from our good intentions. I am reminded that life truly is a journey, not a destination...that every fall, every misstep, every disappointment and challenge brings with it an opportunity to grow stronger...and be better. ~ Andrea :-)