It's pretty hard to not be affected by all of the bad news we've been bombarded with lately... skyrocketing unemployement, the declining housing market, and the ever-growing financial woes impacting businesses of all sizes. Even if you are not personally affected right now, you can't help but feel the pain so many others are well as be concerned about the future we all share.
Although it is important to be an active participant in the world around you, I also believe that too much exposure to this type of doom and gloom news can create an environment that tends to bring you down and serves to attract more and more of this type of negative energy. I'm not suggesting we all become Pollyanna, but it is important to continually remind yourself that you have been blessed with the power to choose how you react to the circumstances and situations you encounter each day. You have the ability to choose to let go of the past...and to view the future from a place of optimism and positive expectation.
I know it's not easy, and if you have been personally impacted by these circumstances and see nothing but darkness ahead, I know it is particularly difficult to look for the light. But as one who has sturggled and suffered, and has known despair all too well, I can tell you that as long as you have faith and hope there isn't any problem or situation that you can't overcome. Not that it's always easy, but being proactive instead of reactive...and holding on to the knowing that you are going to find your way...makes it all possible to move through difficulty a stronger and better person.
The following is an excerpt from my new book, Heal With Hope A Healing Handbook & Journal: Each day we are presented with the opportunity to align ourselves with the energy we want to attract into our lives, as well as that which we wish to share with the rest of the world. Just imagine what your life would be like if you decide to replace fear and doubt with peace and faith, greed and bitterness with gratitude and forgiveness, and anger and grief with love and joy.
I pray that you are able to journey forward from a place of peace and acceptance...and know that tomorrow holds many great and wonderful blessings for you. ~Andrea :-)