Saturday, March 14, 2009
Clear the Clutter, Clear your Mind!
Things have been a bit overwhelming the last few months...I've discovered that if you take on too much - even if it's doing things you love - you can pay a price both physically and mentally. You would think that by now I would have learned this lesson, but evidently I am a slow-learner, and I recently found myself back in that endless cycle of pushing myself way too hard. And with that came the need to put off my usual habits of keeping things in my life organized.

Yes, I am one of "those" as a friend likes to say - I like things to be in their proper place. My motto has always been if you put things where they belong, you know where to find them, making life less stressful. Years ago I managed an advertising company and used to hound my staff to keep their desks neat, as I've always believed that it's impossible to have a clear mind when you have a cluttered workspace.

So when I tell you that I hadn't filed any papers - personal or business - for over 3 months, you might better understand how little time I had been devoting to things that are usually important to me. About two weeks ago things had become really stressful - I was continually finding myself in situations that required lots of clear-thinking and decison-making - and I found myself struggling to find my way.

Things finally got to the point where I realized I was getting nowhere fast and decided I needed to just to let it all go and take a break. I took a look at the desk in front of me, and the mounds of unfiled paperwork, and began filing and organzing. An hour later I found myself at my personal desk and began doing the same thing - cleaning out the old receipts and paid bills files...filing and organizing all the paperwork that had accumulated. I eventually found myself in my closet - pulling out clothes that I hadn't worn all winter - I figured if I haven't worn them this winter, I surely wasn't going to be wearing them in the spring or summer...

A few hours later I was tired, but feeling much more peaceful. It felt so good to finally have things organized - and I realized that spending hours doing seemingly mindless work had created an opportunity for my ever-working mind to take a break. That night I had a restful night's sleep (I think cleaning out a closet is a great work-out...lots of stretching and lifting!!) as I felt mentally and physically at peace.

The next morning I found myself with a clear mind, ready to tackle the projects I felt so overwhelmed by the night before. And once again I stand reminded that it is imperative to find a way to take a break from the cycle of always doing, and to sometimes just "be." To honor the things that are important to us - no matter how small they may seem. Because when we do, we are creating an environment in which we can find peace no matter how hectic life becomes!
~ Andrea :-)