Saturday, October 10, 2009
Once Upon A Time
Once upon a time we lived in a world where people had disagreements, and though there was conflict created from these differences in opinion and ideology, at the end of the day we would somehow find a way to recognize the vast similarities we shared, and would come together to find middle ground. And then there was progress, and growth, and a spirit of oneness.

It is difficult to be an observer of today's world. A world where so many minds are closed to compromise and hearts are so filled with fear, that there is no discourse and no search for common ground. It is troubling to see that many of our leaders and role models are filled with such a spirit of hate that it is seemingly impossible for them to see beyond their own agenda, to try to view things from an opposing perspective. They have lost sight of productive discourse and mutual respect, there is no such thing as middle ground.

How is it that so many among us have become fearful of change? Who are so filled with prejudice and have hearts that are so full of hate? I find it fascinating that so many of these same people also claim to be doing God's work, or at the least, hold themselves up as leaders to the path of rightegousness. Yet from where I sit, all I can see is spiritual disconnection. Because here is the truth as I know it:

God has created each and every one of us to be be individuals who may look a little different, think a little different, and view the world through different eyes. But the one thing we all share - the one common thread - is that we all come from this same Divine Spirit...the Spirit of love, of magnificence, of perfection. We are perfectly imperfect, our mission is to learn, to grow, and become enlightened through our differences. I wonder how God views those who are so filled with hate, so filled with the spirit of "my way or no way?" My heart tells me this is not what God wants for any of us.

And so I am choosing to not participate in the spreading spirit of hate and negativity. I will not read the emails filled with fear. I will change the channel when someone is spreading a message of intolerance. I will hit the off switch when people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck put their personal desires above their love of country and fellow man. And I will offer all of these people something that seem to have forgotten how to give: I will choose to look for their goodness, for their true heart, that I know exists somewhere deep within them. I will search for common ground, and remind myself over and over again that we are more alike than we are different. ~ Andrea :-)