Words have such great power. When I discovered the work of Masuro Emoto and became aware of the impact the words we think, speak, and wear can have in what we attract to our lives, I have made an effort to search for words that seem to touch my spirit.* My office and home are filled with post-it notes, plaques, and other items that contain words of wisdom and inspiration.
I have many, many favorites...for years my #1 has been: "
it is what it is." I can't tell you how many times this phrase has helped to bring me back to reality in a frustrating or challenging situation, and allowed me to stop the cycle of negativity I was headed toward. These five simple words have in part formed the philosophy on which my recovery was based: acceptance. Because I've learned that "
what you resist will persist." So the more focus on what it is you don't want and are unhappy about, the more hold and power it will have in your life.
I recently saw a phrase that I found extremely powerful: "
Live life without regret." Think about it - what if you could stop the natural inclination of "shoulda, woulda, coulda" and the negative, draining energy that regret brings, simply by reminding yourself of these simple words. I have had a very challenging week personally and professionally having made a decision that will probably wind up costing me a lot of time, money, and aggravation. But every time I read my "
Live life without regret" post-it note on my computer monitor, I am reminded that the situation
is what it is: I can fill myself with recrimination about what has occurred, or I can figure out how to fix it, to accept the loss, and move on. And I've done that. Am I sorry I made the wrong decision originally - you bet I am. But do I regret it? No way. Because I am choosing to live my life without regret. I know that the only healthy thing to do it move on...to move forward, and be grateful for the knowledge of knowing better and being able to do better next time. ~ Andrea :-)
*Read more about Dr. Emoto at www.WearYourIntention.com. This is my organic cotton t-shirt website with beautiful t-shirts that have positive, inspiring messages. I created this line because I wanted to "wear my intention" and couldn't find any eco-friendly t-shirts that had a fashion fit and beautiful designs. We are in the process of completely redoing the site - adding lots of new information and features,which should be up and running by mid-September. The site may be down from time to time as we work on it, so please check back if it is down when you visit. The sale of these shirts help to support the advertising-free Heal With Hope website.