Monday, August 2, 2010
The Power of Six Seconds
"Minds are useful when we need to conceptualize, plan, and theorize. But when we depend on them to guide out inner lives, we're lost. Minds are excellent at presenting a thousand different variations of the past and conjuring them into a future...and then scaring us with most of them."
~ Geneen Roth, Women Food And God

If only we were built with on/off switches and had the ability to turn our minds on when we needed them, and off when we didn't. But since that is not the case, how can we move away from the the continual chatter in our mind?? Of course there is meditation - a practice that many people find immensely helpful. But I am just not one who can practice mindfulness by sitting for 30 - 60 minutes.

What I do find beneficial is deep breathing that seems to calm my physical body, as well as my mind. I have been doing lots of deep, slow breathing the last few years but added another step recently that provides an even greater release of stress and anxiety, and quiets my body & mind more readily.

Here's the exercise I use: Take a deep breath in through the nose (if you are breathing in properly your abdomen will rise, not just your chest!)...HOLD FOR 6 FULL SECONDS...then gently and slowly release the breath through the mouth. After repeating this several times I am filled a greater sense of ease and peace, while at the same time feeling more energized.
How blessed we are to hold so many simple, yet powerful, abilities!! ~ Andrea :-)
Anonymous Sandy said...
I am learning how to meditate and using the Vision Chart I think will help me.
I use music... that is uplifting and positive!