I often joke that the reason I'm glad my eyesight has deteriorated as I've aged is that I don't have to see what I really look like when I look in the mirror!! Of course there is an element of truth to this, because the fact is, aging is a big adjustment, especially when you feel so young on the inside, and that isn't necessarily refected in your outward appearance.
A few weeks ago I was out shopping and came across a little plaque that now sits on my bathroom counter...it's message:
Change how you see...not how you look. Each day, especially on those days when I notice another gray hair, or small line forming, I read this message that serves as a reminder that there isn't much I can do about this other than to make the choice to see that the true me, my
spirit, only resides inside this "shell", and although the shell may be showing a few battle scars, my spirit is vibrant and young and enjoying life to the max. I make a conscious choice to love it all...every line, every wrinkle, every extra pound. I've earned them and worked hard for them...and although they may be a part of this slightly older version of me, they will never define who I truly am: a feisty, living-large person who embraces each and every part of me - warts and all!!!! ~ Andrea :-)
PS: If you are looking for organic, natural products for your skin, I just discovered a great new skincare line by Dr. Alkaitis - these holistic, organic products are made from living ingredients and have really given my skin new life and vibrancy...for information check out their website:
http://www.alkaitis.com or
www.saffronrouge.com. I share this with you because I am really enjoying the products and do not receive any compensation or fee to do so.