Wednesday, January 23, 2008
The "secret" of The Secret
Last year at this time everyone was reading and listening to The Secret - Rhonda Byrne's book, CD and DVD about the Law of Attraction: that what you think about and focus your thoughts on is what you will attract into your life.

I have absolutely no doubt that this works...if you truly believe something will happen, it probably will ...just as if you don't believe something is possible, then it probably isn't, at least for you. But what I would love to know is how many people who attempted to incorporate this concept into their lives have been able to stick with it. And I wonder what kind of results those that have done it, have gotten.

My personal experience has been that there is one secret that I didn't read about, and that is how hard it is to keep your focus on the positive, and the things you want to attract into your life. I am a complete believer in staying positive, being grateful for the blessings, focusing on where you want to be. What I didn't count on was all the stuff that seems to get in the way...the distractions, the frustrations...just life itself. Why is it that some days everything is easy and seems to fit together, to flow...and other days no matter what you do, it's one thing after another...

Well I have a little secret of my own...when things aren't going as planned and I just can't seem to be able to capture the feeling and vision of where it is I really want to be, I let it all go. I know, that's not always easy either, but I have learned ways to release the emotion, the frustration and the disappointment. Oftentimes just making the conscious choice to stop fretting and just let it all go enables me to create a no-worry zone...a peaceful attitude that basically says, "things are not how I want them to be right now, but I am not going to worry about it...I am not going to put pressure on myself to feel like I have to work at creating what I want right now...I'm just going to let the outcome go and just be!" If I am really having a tough time of it I will try using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique:, or meditate and use relaxation techniques (you will find info on all of this in Learn About at

I know that it will all pass. Life is a series of ups and downs, highs and lows...and it doesn't mean I have failed at attracting the things I want into my life. It means that stuff happens...and it can only take control of my life if I allow it to. So the secret is to not just focus on what you want, but to be able to let it all go once in a say, "it is what is...and I'm just going with the flow". The less power you give to the distractions, the sooner you will find yourself back on track, headed toward your goals and dreams. ~ Andrea :-)