When I first opened myself to the possiblity that my thoughts, actions, and expectations had a direct impact on what I would attract into my life, I wanted to believe it, but truth be told I didn't really think it was possible. But time and again I have proven myself wrong...and in the last year I have come to trust that not only do we have the power to attract the type of energy we want, but also that the Universe will enhance that energy by bringing people and circumstances to reinforce those intentions.
If you have read any of my other blog entries, you already know that I have had some amazing experiences attracting positive energy into my life...Iwanted to share my latest confirmation of how the energy of my thoughts and desires continues to manifest into reality...
Although life has been going well and I have been feeling very fulfilled in my personal life, and in the work that I am doing, I've felt as though I had hit a plateau with my healing and was ready for the next step. And so once or twice in the last week I added to my nightly Gratitude Prayer: "Thank you God for guiding me to the people, places and things that I need to find to take me to the next level of healing." I then let it go because I've come to trust that when the time is right all I need to know and do will be there...
Last week I completed updates to Heal With Hope (if you want to be added to the Update list you can email me:
andrea@healwithhope.com) and sent out the update notification. I included a friend, Charlene, an amazing cranio-sacral therapist that became a very special friend of mine, but who I normally contact through my personal email account. I wanted to know if she had any photos of herself performing cranio-sacral as I was interested in adding some photos to the article on the website to help people better understand what it is all about. Because I had never contacted her through the web email before, I typed in her address from memory.
I received a reply a day or two later, but found it a bit odd - Charlene is normally so warm and loving in her notes and this reply was very impersonal and to the point...she said, "no, I don't have any photos but feel that the article on the site is incomplete". I was surprised as she had never said anything like that before, but I thought perhaps she was busy and didn't have the time to add much more to her note. We corresponded several times on the subject - I invited her to write an addition to the article so it was complete...she agreed, but each note continued to be very impersonal and stuck only to the subject at hand. The last note I received from her was about to solve the "mystery" as to why Charlene did not seem herself. The last line of her most recent email asked, "would you remind me how and where we met." I knew something was not right - I mean this was Charlene...someone I had shared very personal experiences with, who was such a good friend, and I knew that unless she was losing her mind, that she would know who I was!!!
Well, as you've probably guessed by now, I had been sending emails to the wrong person...yes her name is similar (Char instead of Charlene) and their email addresses are exactly the same except one uses aol.com, the other earthlink.com...
Here's the part that I love best - both are cranio-sacral therapists, and the "new" Char takes cranio to another level, which she is going to write about and share on HWH in the future. She also uses a program called Resourcing that sounds very interesting and is something that I think may be helpful to me personally, and perhaps will be of interest to those who visit HWH - I will keep you posted about this!!
Think about it - I am looking for new ideas for healing, and the Universe guides me to a person who has some new perspectives on healing that seem to fit my needs!! Do you think it was an accident that I messed up the email addresses?? I sure don't - what are the chances that you mess up an address and then reach someone who has information you are looking for???!!!
I have also received an email from someone who "found the site by accident" and who has offered me some great ideas about healing. Check out Jo Davidson's wonderful site:
http://www.zentertainment.org/. Jo, who is working her way through some challenging health issues, has created a great site - Zentertainment Talk Radio - to share information to help others heal. I think you will love her site...and I am sure you will agree it was no "accident" that she found HWH!! (She also suggested a site to me that sells vibrational remedies for healing purposes...I haven't looked into it yet, but perhaps it's another suggestion the Universe has sent for me to explore?!? Check it out if you are interesed:
In addition to asking for guidance on healing, I have also been working hard on updating the site and began to wonder if all the time and effort I spend on it is worth it - am I really helping people?? Well, the Universe decided it was time to remind me why I do what I do - I have received several emails in the last few days letting me know that information on the site proved helpful...and I hadn't received any emails like this in quite a while!!
So if you want great things to come your way, maybe it's time to choose to believe it is as simple as this: be willing to think positive, believe that everything is possible, and ask God to lead you to what you need and want...though make sure instead of "asking" you give thanks for it right up front - let Divine Power know that you believe it is coming, and you just might find that it will!! ~Andrea :-)