One of the great things about age is that you have had time to learn to roll with the punches, and are less and less surprised by the unpredictablity of the unexpected events life can throw your way. I have found that just when I think I have everything figured out, something will usually occur to remind me that I really don't...and I have come to accept the fact that maybe I never will have it all figured out. Because I have learned that life is a process - an evolution -that provides continuous challenge so that we never stop growing, stretching, and learning.
I was recently reminded that that life is always full of surprises...sometimes when we least expect it:
It was a typical evening for me - I watched a little tv, spent some time on the computer, and did a little reading...and before I knew it, it was time to get ready for bed. I am a creature of habit and my nighttime routine is second nature, so I rarely pay attention to what I am doing as I wash up and get ready to get to sleep...but on this particular night I am grateful that my inner voice was on alert and that I was paying attention to it, because for some reason I paused to look down before sitting on the toilet.
And I am so very, very thankful that I did!! Because as I glanced down into the toilet I saw a huge frog sitting on some tissues I had thrown in there earlier!!!! Now I am not talking a toad here - not one of those cute things I used to try to catch as a kid - I mean a full grown, BIG frog!!!! I am sure if you happen to live within a 10 mile radius of my home you probably heard my husband who is used to me screaming every time I see a bug knew this was not my typical scream and came running. As he entered the bathroom he told me to calm down and stop exaggerating because surely the huge frog I began describing was probably not very large at all. Well, he was in for a huge surprise himself!! He was as shocked as I when he saw this huge frog just sitting there, looking like he was right at home.
After a bit of a chase he was able to catch the frog and put it back outside where he belonged. The only regret we both had after that happened is that we didn't think to snap a picture, as I know that no one would be able to capture that moment was to have a photo of it. The next question was how on earth did that frog get into the toilet in the first place!! We called the city water department to check our pipes for a break through which the frog could have gotten in, but they found nothing amiss. My husband checked vents and anything else he could think of and came up with nothing.
As many of you know, I'm never able to tell a story without attaching some kind of moral to I've decided that perhaps my visitor was actually God's way of reminding me that life is full of surprises - some good, some not - and no matter how prepared you think you might be, don't forget that life is an unexpected journey and we are just along for the ride - so enjoy it, bumps, bruises, and unexpected guests all!!!! ~ Andrea :-)