Thursday, July 10, 2008
My Best Friend...
If you believe, as I do, that there are no coincidences, you will understand how the timing of Hailee coming into my life was not an accident. Five years ago I was struggling with my health, my dad was very ill, and we were getting ready to move to a new home. Right around this time my son, who had been living on his own, had to move back home for a short time and brought Hailee, his new puppy, with him.

There was a lot going on and I was not thrilled about having a puppy in the house, but after spending just a few minutes with her, I was in love. She was not only adorable, but she had such a loving and fun spirit you couldn't help but be happy in her company. Within a few weeks I let my son know that he was welcome to leave at any time, but the dog was that point Hailee and I had become inseparable and I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Hailee was always full of energy and enjoyed going out for long walks. And as a puppy she needed to be taken out quite often. This was all at a time when my energy level was extremely low and I could barely muster the energy to walk to the mailbox. Well Hailee didn't know anything about chronic fatigue or vertigo...she needed to get out several times a day, and since I was the only one at home during the day, I had to do it. It wasn't easy, and some days we couldn't go very far, but somehow I was able to push myself and take her out almost every day. And an amazing thing started to happen - slowly, but surely, my stamina began to improve. To this day I credit Hailee for forcing me to become more active, which I believe has been an important part of my healing.

Shortly after we moved my father died - this was a very difficult time as I was extremely close with my dad. No matter how down I was feeling, there was Hailee, at my side...providing comfort and love. And my mother, who was also devastated by the loss, was also comforted by Hailee's love and affection.

Through the years I've had ups and downs with my health, and Hailee has been there with me through it all...on the days I couldn't get out of bed, Hailee laid beside me, pressed up against me as if she were trying to pass along some of her energy to me. And to this day when I'm not feeling great, she is always there, snuggled up beside me. No matter how I feel or what I am doing, she is always my side, providing her quiet comfort and support.

The last 51/2 years have been full of struggles and challenges, as well as joys and triumphs. And each and every experience was shared with my best friend and loyal companion, Hailee. She is 6 years old now and continues to be the greatest joy and blessing in our lives. She was at my side through the bad times, but also the good...she has been here as I devoted myself to creating the Heal With Hope website, and she has been right here as I spent the last year writing a book, which is now completed. And she is beside me right now as I write this blog entry.

We were never sure of Hailee's exact birthday, but believe she was born around this time of Happy Birthday Hailee. Thank you for always being there...for making me laugh and licking away my tears...and most of all for your unconditional love. You are the best. xoxo
~ Andrea