Almost two years have gone by since I first had the idea to create the Heal With Hope website. The idea for the site came to me one day when I was sitting around feeling sorry for myself - my illness left me unable to work, and yet I knew that I still had so much to contribute to the world. So as I sat there I said to God, "ok, I know there must be something I should be doing with my life...I sure could use some help figuring out what that is"...and a thought immediately popped into my mind -
create a website to help other people who are struggling with their health! As I started to plan exactly how I would do this, the vision for it became so clear - I knew without a doubt that this was a divinely inspired idea.
Once the site was up and running it was not taking nearly as much time as I thought it would to maintain, and once again I was in a place trying to figure out what it was I should be doing with my life. This was on my mind a lot...and one morning I woke up at 4:00 AM and had the I laid in bed I had what I can only describe as a "vision" - in my mind was a book...I could see it - the title, the way it should be laid out, the entire concept. I grabbed my notebook that I always kept by my bedside and starting writing...and writing...and writing...for almost 5 hours I sat there and put to paper all the ideas I could recall from my "divine inspiration". Well, it has been almost a year and as I sit here typing this blog entry I am delighted to tell you that I am also printing a rough draft of the book that was once just a vision -
The Healing Handbook & Journal. I have no idea what will happen with this book, but I do know that whatever is meant to happen, will. Whether this book turns out to be a bestseller, or if the only copy that is ever read is the one I am printing out of my computer right now, that's ok. I am at peace knowing that whatever God intends for this book is exactly what will happen...and I also know that whatever is next on the horizon for me, I am ready, willing and able to take it on!!!!
~ Andrea :-)