We are living in turbulent times and even the most optimistic person may have feeling of uncertainty and concern about the future. We also know that the Law of Attraction suggests that what we focus our thoughts on is what we will attract into our lives, and surely anxiety and fear are not what we want to attract! Here are the steps I am taking to keep my focus on the positive and hope you will find them useful as well.
1. Turn off the television.
Let's face it, television news is 90% doom and gloom, and listening to pundits as they strike fear into your heart and mind is not healthy and can really bring you down...often without you realizing the impact their negativity can have. Sure you want to know what is going on in the world, but do you really need to hear the same fear-induced reporting over and over and over? I don't...so I have stopped watching the local news (seems to me all they ever report on is rape, murder and what bad thing has happened). I also limit the amount of time I watch national and cable news - I may catch the beginning of the program where they give you the headlines, but that's it. I read the newspaper every day, but refuse to read past any negative headline and instead search out the informative and inspiring stories.
2. Stay focused on the blessings.
Every time I catchmyself in "what if..." mode I consciously release that thought process and make the choice to focus on all of the blessings I have in my life and give thanks for them. I also give thanks for all of the wonderful blessings that I know are on their way to me, too! (For ideas on how to do this see the articles on Visualization, Relaxation and Meditation on HealWithHope.com. Also read about Journaling - a great way to let go of fear and anxiety by putting them to paper and then tearing it up to let it all go!)
3. Be aligned with what you want to think, feel, and be.
The more you think about what might go wrong, what bad thing could happen, you are more likely to attract this kind of energy. So make the choice right now to let go of self-defeating thinking and simply choose to know that everything is fine, and everything will be fine! It's really all just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other, of accepting things for what they are - you might not be able to change everything, but you can reduce its power by detaching from it and acknowleding that "it is what it is."
Join me in the knowing that we are on the right path, headed in the right direction, and that good things are on the way for all of us. ~ Andrea :-)