I recently received an email that is indicative of many that I get, and it started like this: "
Today I stumbled across your site on the internet, don't know how but I did..."
This started me to think about how a few years ago my initial reaction to this would have been, "wow, what a coincidence!" But I have since come to know that there really are no accidents - that everything that happens does so because it is divinely intended, and therefore all that we need to know and all that we need to do is always available to us...is always presenting itself to us...as long as we are open to it and don't allow our fear to get in the way.
I am not a person of great religious faith, and for much of my life this was a source of great conflict for me. But I can't begin to tell you how much peace I now have simply because I followed some advice given to me a few years ago of "asking God to reveal Himself to you so that you never doubt his existence again." Whatever it is that you call the Higher Power you believe in - God, Spirit, Allah, Buddha -doesn't really matter. In my heart and mind what does matter is that you are acknowledging and connecting with this powerful force of energy that guides each of us as we travel the path of our individual destiny. Many try to make this relationship complicated by telling us that we have to follow certain rituals or traditions, but I like to think that God/Higher Power is more interested in the kind of life we live, and the kind of human we choose to be, rather than little details like that.
For some having a relationship with God is easy - but for others like me, it is not as easy, not as natural. What I discovered is that it does not have to complicated - it can be as simple as being a choice - just choosing to believe that this Power exists and is working within you to create all of the experiences you are meant to have...to accomplish all that you are intended to accomplish...and that you are evolving as only you are intended during this lifetime.
To find a place of peace in life I believe it is also important to accept that some of your experiences are going to be wonderful, happy, and fun. And other experiences will be difficult, challenging...and very hard. Remember that it is during these times that you achieve the greatest growth, gain the most knowledge, and become prepared for your next level of awareness and enlightenment.
Fear is a very powerful emotion that can manifest itself in physical as well as emotional ways. And all it needs to feed itself and become more powerful is for you to acknowledge it and focus on it. I am so very thankful that I was able to let go of the albatross of fear that at one time consumed my life...and was able to do so simply because I made the choice to stop living that kind of life. God has guided me to the awareness that we each have the power to choose - that we have the ability to choose our thoughts and where we focus our attention, and therefore have the power to influence what we attract to our lives. We can choose to know that no matter how far we stray or how deep our wounds, God/Higher Power will be there to light the way. I have made the choice to live in faith and to know that my future will be bright, simply because I choose to believe that it is possible...and you can make this choice, too.
Decide to replace your fears with faith...and know that everything is going to be ok. No matter how much turmoil there is in the world, no matter how bleak or dark our days...great and wonderful things are on the horizon if we choose to align ourselves with them. So let go of your fear...it isn't serving you, it's only harming you...and choose to fill yourself with the faith that the path you are walking is the right one for you...and there are many wonderful and amazing things ahead. ~ Andrea :-)