I'm am a true believer in the Law of Attraction - of focusing attention to what it is we want to attract rather than that we wish to move away from. Shifting the way I view the world has had a profound affect on my life. I went from
seeing myself as a positive person, to actually
being a positive person. Each day I attempt to focus my attention on my blessings instead of my troubles...to seek goodness, and to fill my heart with hope, no matter how dark the road ahead appears. This shift has been empowering, and the results far-reaching.
I've been asked how I always manage to maintain a positive and upbeat outlook. I can tell you, I don't. I have the same doubts, the same anxieties, the same fears as anyone. What I have been able to do is to view life's struggles, challenges, disappointments, and unpredictable circumstances as a part of the human condition and as an opportunity for growth, personal evolution, and worldly transformation.
There was a time when I would find myself in the midst of one of life's overwhelming moments and think, "
How could this happen to someone who is so focused on the positive." Or I would experience feelings of guilt, "
if I was as focused on the positive as I should be, this never would have happened." This is when I have to remind myself there is a divine plan for each of us, and that God's plan includes lessons, periods of enlightenment, and transformative experiences...and that this is not always an easy process.
Our life experiences - the good and the difficult - are part of the human experience we are intended to have. No matter what life throws our way we must attempt to keep our focus beyond the horizon - to what it is we want to attract and to where it is we want to be. Then we will pass through these experiences stronger, wiser, and richer. ~ Andrea :-)