Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Infinite Love & Wisdom
A friend of mine recently shared her excitement about a new book and healing program she discovered - Dr. Darren Weissman's The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude and his LifeLine Technique. The technique incorporates a variety of healing modalities including acupuncture, ayurvedic medicine, muscle testing, along with modern therapies like EFT, NAET, and NET.

The essence of Dr. Weissman's message, and that of many other "new age" scientists, healthcare practitioners, and philosophers, is that finding a way to live in a place of love and gratitude is one of the most impactful healing tools available to us. Emotion has such a great affect on our mind, body and spirit - anger, hurt, fear and disappointment weaken us physically and mentally. And this can create an interruption of energy flow, opening the door open to illness, or blocking healing from taking place.

So how do we live in a place of love and gratitude when life keeps getting in the way?? When people continually do things that annoy us, when events occur that throw us off track, when we feel stuck and limited?? We do the only thing we can do - we make the choice to focus on love, and to be grateful for whatever we do have that is right and good.

When you find yourself annoyed at someone, make the conscious choice to let go of that feeling and to find some reason to send vibes of love and compassion to them. When things aren't going your way and you find yourself getting annoyed, stop what you are doing...take a deep breath and upon its release feel all of the annoyance and negativity leave your body in that exhaled breath. When you feel stuck and life is conspiring to limit your growth and progress, divert your attention to something that makes you feel good - take a walk and observe the beauty of nature around you, listen to music that you love, spend time with someone who makes you feel good, or grab your journal and put your thoughts and feelings to paper.

That is what I am doing right has been one of those mornings - nothing specific, just a few little annoyances that I focused on and therefore gave power to - which didn't get my day off to the kind of start I like to have...but gathering my thoughts and releasing them here has allowed me let it go, and enabled me to refocus on getting back to a healthier and happier place... to connect with the love I have deep within, the gratitude I have for all of the blessings of life.

I can feel the negative energy leaving my body...and a more peaceful energy entering. I may not be perfect, my life may not be perfect, but I continue to seek to find that place of "infinite love and gratitude" that will help me to move closer to living the life I truly want to live. ~ Andrea :-)

PS If you are interested, check out Dr. Weissman's website: