I knew that my blog post last week might offend some people, but I didn't realize the hostility and anger it would arouse. If you didn't read that post, I spoke about my support for Barak Obama because I believe his optimistic attitude, sense of hope, and ability to bring people together would help to move our country past the divisive atmosphere that that has eminated from Washington for the 8 years. I suppose a website about natural health and healing is not the place one would expect to read someone's political views, but to me the upcoming election is about more than political views, but about the kind of energy and attitude we want from our leaders. I strongly believe that the energy we put out is the energy that we attract and I personally want to elect a President who is positive, hopeful, and open-minded - not one who is angry and bitter.
This is my opinion, what I feel in my heart. I may be right, and I may be wrong...but these are the feelings I own. And I can tell you that in my experience people who judge other people's feelings are creating an unhealthy environment for themselves and the world. Sure I get annoyed when I feel strongly about something and others don't see things my way...actually I admit that I am a pretty opinionated person...but I have come to know that the only way to survive is to learn to accept that not everyone will agree with you, that people will disappoint you sometimes, and that things will not always go according to your plan.
I learned a very valuable lesson many years ago when my husband and I went on a Marraige Encounter weekend. The weekend is spent focusing on learning to communicate without judging. The premise is that "feelings are feelings, they are not right or not wrong - it is what someone feels and therefore should not be judged." This philosophy has served us well in our marraige - we just celebrated our 35th anniversary. And I also try to live by this in all of my relationships - as mother, friend, sister, neighbor and professional. It isn't always easy, especially when you are a know-it-all, as I can sometimes be. But I try to be aware of this and take great pains to remember to do my best to honor and respect other's feelings and opinions, particularly when they differ from my own.
I know in my heart that the people who criticized me did so because they too are worried about our country, their families, and their future. I pray for the day when we can all stop fearing one another because we have different opinions, or look different, or sound different. We all come from one Source...and that Divine Power is inside each and every one of us - black, white, yellow,Christian, Jew or Muslim...we are more the same than we are different. And if we focus on the similarities as opposed to the differences our lives and our world would be much the better for it. ~ Andrea :-)