I apologize in advance to anyone who may be offended by my political views. I realize this is a delicate subject, especially when being discussed in a blog that is dedicated to good health and healing. But I think if you read on you will understand why I feel so compelled to break my rule of keeping the subject matter strictly to what is in my heart, rather than on my mind.
Eight years ago when George W. Bush was running for President, long before I understood the principles of the Law of Attraction as well as the impact that the energy we put out is the energy that will come back to us, my instincts told me that there was something about him that lead me to believe he would not be a good President. He seemed arrogant, and lacking the intellecutal ability and intelligence I believed was needed from a President. I wrote an editorial to the local newspaper addressing these concerns and that I that believed that his divisive attitude and shallowness would lead our country to econonmic decline, as well as to conflicts in our relations around the world. Sadly, not only were my instincts right, but things have actually turned out to be worse than I had ever imagined were possible.
And so it is 8 years later and once again we are getting ready to elect a new President. And once again my instincts tell me that only one candidate has the intelligence, energy, and attitude that will lead our country away from the angry, closed-minded negativity that has pervaded Washington - and therefore the world - for the last 8 years.
John McCain has proven time and again throughout this election process that he is not the man that is going to change anything - he projects anger, bitterness and an unwillingness to be true to his professed qualities of being able to bring about positive change. I'm not worried that he will bring "more of the same" to our nation, but that things will actually worsen because he is so lacking in optimism and openess.
I am supporting Barak Obama for President. I believe he has the wisdom, attitude and energy to move our country in the right direction. I see in him a calm, pragmatic, and deep intellecutal ability, as well as a positive attitude and energy...and because I know that the energy we put out is the energy we will attract in return, I believe that his positive nature, and his judgement to surrround himself with like-minded people, will bring about not just a change in policy, but a change in energy that our country so desperately needs.
I suggest the next time you have the opportunity to watch John McCain and Barak Obama - don't listen to the words they speak, but the way those words are delivered...the body language...the demeanor. And I think you will see the calm, assured, optimistic energy coming from Obama, and the tense, angry, negative energy McCain exudes. If you believe that we have had enough negativity and negative energy in Washingon, I hope you too will consider bringing about positive change by casting your vote for Barak Obama, too!! ~ Andrea :-)