Monday, February 25, 2008
The Power of the Written Word
Although I had always heard about the benefits of journaling - putting your thoughts and feeling on paper - I had never really gotten into the habit of doing it. I am a very verbal person, as well as very analytical, so I thought there would be little benefit for me personally.

When Heal With Hope was created I started My Blog as a way to share ideas, thoughts and feelings on a variety of health or life-related topics. I set a goal of writing at least once a week, and found it was not as easy as it would seem to be. Each week I spend time deciding on a is usually something pertinent to what is going on in my life at the time, but sometimes the process becomes an opportunity to uncover unresolved matters, and to more deeply explore what I am really feeling, and the impact it is having in my life.

It turns out that blogging/jounaling has been a very therapeutic experience. Taking the time to sit quietly and to connect with my innermost thoughts and feelings, helps to release validate work through them...

If you have never tried blogging (visit for info on how to create a free blog) or journaling (see the homepage of Heal With Hope, I strongly suggest you give it a try. You may find yourself uncovering issues that need resolution, releasing some of the emotional blocks that interefere with your healing, and also find a new connection to the inner you.

I believe words have a power greater than any of us may have try taking pen to paper and discover the power of your words! ~Andrea :-)