Saturday, March 29, 2008
Technology Rocks...
We really are so blessed to be living at a time when technology makes accessing and sharing information so was not long ago to do research you had to get into the car, drive to the library, and then spend hours searching for books on the suject, if they even had any...and if they did, many were so old they were often outdated. Today, in the comfort of your own home, you sit down in front of a computer and the world is literally at your fingertips. Whether you are searching for information about a disease, a treatment, a person, a is all there, in a matter of seconds!!

Tweleve years ago when I was first diagnosed with CFS we didn't have a computer, they were just starting to become "mainstream", and so I had a difficult time not only finding relevant information about the disease, but also found it challenging to find other people who were dealing with a similar experience that I could talk to. Today you can chat with people around the world, learning and sharing, and never feeling alone. I find it equally fascinating that Heal With Hope has had visitors from around the world - Russia, Holland, The Phillipines, Korea, New Zealand, Japan, and many other places...amazing!!!

Yesterday I visited a new doctor whose office is completly high tech - all of my medical records were scanned into their computer and so when I met with the doctor he just opened his laptop and everything (and then some!) that he needed to know about my medical history was right there in front of him. He had a nurse at his side who typed all of his comments/notes directly into my online file...even my lab slip was generated from that same computer!!!

So as I make my "daily gratitude list" today, I am giving thanks for the blessing of living at a time when everything I need or want to know is just a click away...providing all of us with the power to learn, grow, share and connect.
~ Andrea :-)