Friday, April 25, 2008
Accepting Each Moment For What It Is...
We are having the most beautiful spring weather this the morning and evening the humidity is low, the temperatures are perfect, and there is the lightest of breezes, all of which brings me such a sense of peace and joy...even when I am not feeling very well, it is pretty hard to feel too badly when it is so magnificent outside. And yet there are parts of the day when it becomes just a bit too warm, the sun feels a little too hot, and the breeze seems to have died down...and I begin to feel just a tad uncomfortable. It brings to mind how much nature is like life minute you can be feeling as though all is well and nothing could disrupt the great feeling you are basking in at that moment...and then, poof, something happens to burst the bubble...nothing major, just enough to disrupt the good mojo you've been feeling.

It brings to mind how all things turn and change - how the turns of the weather are just like us - all is well, and then it's not...but then things turn once again,and all is well once again.

And so I attempt to learn the lessons that nature offers - to accept each moment as it understand that I won't always feel good, things won't always go exactly according to plan, some days all will be well with the world, and there will be those times when it all feels like nothing is right. It is all just a part of the natural flow of life. I remember Eckhart Tolle (author of A New Earth) describing acceptance as "being the space for what is"...and that is how I am trying to live my life...just being the space for the glorious emotion of that beautiful sunny day, knowing that the sun will eventually be blocked by clouds...and the clouds will produce rain...but then once again the sun will shine...and the cycle will start all over again. And although I much prefer the sunny days, I accept the darker days for helping me to appreciate the good ones all the more. ~ Andrea :-)