A few weeks ago an alternative medicine pratitioner I work with asked me what my goal was regarding my health. I didn't need to think twice about this one and replied, "perfect health". She then proceeded to explain that it was dangerous to want "perfect" anything because by doing so I was setting myself up for failure.
Several years ago I would have agreed with her - I was always so focused on trying to reach the goal line I never allowed myself the opportunity to enjoy any other part of the journey. I am so grateful to now be in a place where I am able to embrace my imperfect self as I continue to strive for that ever elusive place of perfection.
I don't believe there is anything wrong with having a goal of achieving perfection as long as one can also accept the circumstances of life each step of the way. I recognize that things are not always going to go according to my plan, and life is going to provide unexpected challenges. I am able to accept that things are what they are... I know without a doubt that I am exactly where it is intended for me to be. The bad days aren't going to last forever...nor will the good ones. Life is composed of ups and downs, highs and lows...and the less I fight it and the more I embrace it, the more powerful I become.
In my heart and mind I still strive for "perfect health" - but I am also realistic and know that it is very possible I will never get there...after all, is there such a thing as perfection?! I am completely at peace with my life regardless. I accept each moment as it comes, and try to make the best of whatever comes my way. Most of all I am give thanks for being a person who can dream big and think grand thoughts...and especially for those special moments when all that I dream of seems so very possible.
~ Andrea :-)