Friday, April 18, 2008
Celebrate Earth Day...
Another Earth Day is upon us, and I am so thankful that caring for our planet is no longer considered just a passing fad, but acutally a serious concern that is getting serious attention.

I remember the first time I was exposed to the thought that we have a personal responsibility to care for our natural resources...I was in my teens and saw a television commercial that featured an American Indian dressed in his traditional garb, standing in front of a polluted lake with this huge tear running down the side of his face. That powerful message really touched me, and for the first time I was struck by the thought that we are all caretakers of the resources we have been blessed with...and that the consequences of not doing so, are quite serious.

Many years passed before I was again reminded of this sense of responsiblity - gas prices were on the rise and we were all looking for ways to lower prices, and most especially to become less dependent on foreign oil. We were warned that wasting power wasted energy and oil, and we all learned about recycling, reducing usage, and to reuse. And many of us did start incorporating these small steps into our everyday lives...yet, the reality is very few took this seriously enough, myself included... we continued to drive large vehicles, to want the conveniences of disposable everything, buying new instead of used, and especially not giving up our hair spray and other personal grooming products, that were contributing to reduction in the ozone layer. We cared, but didn't want to sacrifice. And now we are faced with the reality that we no longer have a choice - we have to stop wasting, stop being selfish, and start putting out money where our thoughts are...

Tips for an eco-friendly, green life abound - do an internet search and thousands of articles will appear. I spent the better part of the last couple of weeks writing an article for Heal With Hope outlining ways to build, live, and buy green.

Some of the more general tips included:

Drive Less
Buy Less
Buy Local
Take your own bags to the grocery store or use recyclable bags
Wash clothes in cold water
Buy energy efficient appliances
Insulate your home properly

If each of did just these few things the positive impact would be monumental!!

Whatever you do, on April 22nd please take a moment to look around you - give thanks for the beauty and abundance of this great earth...and make a pledge to yourself to do what you can to honor and love it by living a clean, green life. ~ Andrea :-)