I think I finally get it.
For years I have struggled with my health, which created stress and challenge in many other areas of my life. And eventually the cycle of worry and fear became a way of life, a part of my being. Without realizing it I was living in a state of constant anticipation of the worst, which only served to impact the present by drawing more of that negative energy into my life. I was unable to be "present" because my mind was always looking backward or forward, but rarely was I living in the "Now".
After reading Eckhart Tolle's masterpiece,
A New Earth, and participating in Oprah's online classes with Tolle, I have started to recognize this pattern in myself...and by followng his simple suggestions have made remarkable strides in living in the Now, of being more present, and therefore better able to live in a state of peace and harmony.
Just by becoming aware of how my ego and pain-bodies (emotional blocks)interfere with finding peace in the present moment has been immensely beneficial. When I find myself looking back, or becoming anxious about the future, I focus my attention on my breath, which has a way of returning my thoughts to the present moment. His others suggestions of focusing on the hands, feet, and body to feel their "aliveness", as well as putting full attention on nature are also very helpful.
I know that I can never erase all of the difficult experiences of my past, and wouldn't want to as they helped me to become a stronger and more spriitual person...and I also know that worrying about what may or may not happen in the future is a waste of time and energy...and so the best I can do for myself is to live in the Now...finding the peace and harmony of this moment, as I know that is the best way to make the most of this moment, and to continue to draw that energy into my life. ~ Andrea :-)