There was a time that no matter how hard I tried it was almost impossible to imagine myself as a healthy, functioning being. I was continually told that if I wanted to put the power of my thoughts to work for me, then I needed to see myself and/or my life exactly how I wanted it to be. At that time I was in such a difficult place, my health so poor, it was hard to remember what it was like to be healthy and to feel well.
It is years later, and although I still have some challenges with my health, the strides I have made amaze even me...I had been sick for so long I don't think many people thought I would recover, and there were times when I was one of them. But somehow I was able to maintain my connection to my "healthy spot" deep within...a place that I believe exists within all of us. How do you find and connect with your healthy spot? Try sitting quietly and do your best to imagine yourself with the kind of health your want to have, or place you want to be at in your life...then concentrate your energy and thoughts to that place, blocking out any other thoughts or feelings the best you can. As you continually connect with your healthy spot you continue to plant seeds of wellness, which in time will blossom and grow deep within you.
I am not saying that this connection is the magic answer to everyone's woes...but I personally believe that by seeing, feeling, and imagining what it is you want for yourself, does make it more possible.
You must also be willing to pay the price for good health - eat right, exercise, learn to manage stress...and if you do these things, and you keep your focus on what you want to do, be, and may just find that the Universe is guiding you to the people, places and things that can make it happen. ~ Andrea :-)